Self-Serve Immersive Ads Creation and Management with Ads Manager [Beta]

It’s a bit difficult to get excited about the Ads Manager experience when I’m already reserving most of my Robux income for an already-hammering Developer Exchange experience and not even considering the existing advertisement systems because their barrier to entry is too high and ineffective. I’ve not used sponsors or ads because I’m not about to lose critical capital on something with little returns to meet the investment that I make in them. Incredibly troubling.

This is exactly why I’ve been advocating for developer-curated sorts for the past more than half a decade; if developers that are already more successful than me are struggling with the returns of the ad system, I’m not in any position to consider that when I’ll just get crushed by teams with significantly more capital, reach and influence in staff/automatic curation. I might as well hold on to the hope that I can improve my discoverability to my specific niche on my own rather than continue to be pummeled by crippling advertising features. The quality of ads is the only upside to this barrier, but I believe this is one case where the negatives are outweighing the positives.


Honestly, i was thinking about doing immersive ads for my “experience”.

When I saw on the site that it only accepts USD as a currency, I just noped out instantly. I live in a country where inflation is quite increasing rapidly and so is the exchange rate. There is no way I’d be able to pay in IRL cash as I mostly have my funds in robux.

The whole system just doesn’t respect smaller developers who try to grow and want to have their game out there. It just benefits already big studios and megacorporations who just have the upper hand and millions of dollars to spend.


I think the lot of you aren’t thinking about this from a corporate POV. When dealing with advertising, NOWHERE on earth or online will you find a platform for people under 18 to do this kind of advertising. This is similar to Google Adsense, where advertisers put their adverts on Adsense users webpages. You do not expect a person under 18 to submit adverts because there are stipulations. Everything can’t be traded with Robux. This information is required (Name, Address, etc etc) in any advertising platform outside of Roblox.


Except Roblox already has a precedent of letting under 18 users advertise through sponsers and user ads, these are ads, same thing should apply to immersive ads.


I understand your point about Roblox already allowing under 18 users to advertise through sponsors and user ads. However, it’s important to consider that immersive ads on Roblox involve a different level of interaction and integration with the platform compared to traditional ads.

Immersive ads require users to provide real information such as name, address, and more. This additional information is typically required in advertising platforms outside of Roblox as well, in order to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory standards. It’s crucial for Roblox to adhere to these standards when implementing immersive ads to maintain a safe and responsible environment for its users.


Not really.

Then remove this, Roblox doesn’t require this for other ads, why is it needed here when it is essentially the same thing.

Why even announce this on the DEVELOPER forums in the first place if most developers aren’t going to be able to use it, make a blog post or linkedin post instead. My issue is not that it requires a credit card to use, my issue is that they announce this on the developer forums expecting us to use it, showing how ignorant they are.


Unlike traditional ads that are displayed alongside content, immersive ads require users to actively engage with them within the Roblox environment.

These immersive ads may involve interactive elements, gameplay integration, or other forms of user participation. As a result, the implementation of immersive ads may require additional considerations in terms of user experience, technical infrastructure, and compliance with advertising regulations. Roblox likely announced this on the developer forums to provide information and guidelines to developers who are interested in utilizing immersive ads while ensuring they understand the requirements and responsibilities that come with them.

By requesting real information such as name and address, Roblox aims to align its immersive ad platform with industry practices and regulations. This helps ensure compliance, accountability, and a safer environment for users. It’s possible that these additional requirements have been put in place to address concerns related to privacy, age verification, and other legal obligations associated with immersive ads.

Just something to think about :wink:


Just wish to raise the concerns I have with this:

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This is going to sound silly, but I assume I obviously won’t be charged on June 1st if I haven’t run any ads at all, correct?



Either it’s just taking forever to get this $1 hold placed on my card, or Roblox fails to recognize Norwegian bank authentication, which is a form of authentication forced on all online transactions, and now Roblox assumes the hold is placed, but the transaction is blocked by the bank?

Not sure how this plays out, but I’ve waited for quite some time & double-checked for the temporary hold several times, it’s not there.

Hope this can get sorted asap :slight_smile:

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$20 at $0.10 a teleport would mean I only get 200 players for that whole campaign. I can spend 1,000 Robux on sponsored ads and get a CPC of 1 Robux… that’s $3.50 for 1,000 visits.

This is literally a self scam. Why is the minimum $0.10???

To get the same amount of visits as a regular weekend sponsor I run would cost me over $300 USD for the same amount of visits.

This math isn’t mathing, I don’t see the point of this… these ads cost 6x as much as sponsorships.


Would it be better to have 2 seperate ad systems one will be an in game AD system for corporate sponsors which you will need to be 18+ and pay real cash while the other in game AD system is for Developers and anybody 13+ can use it and only takes Robux?


This is exactly what I was thinking.

This product is clearly designed for corporate sponsors and professional businesses. There should ideally be a separate tool for Roblox developers to advertise their experiences and ugc assets with Robux as well.

And then maybe a toggle for experience owners to chose whether they want corporate, dev, or all ads to be displayed in their game.

Though I feel that this shouldn’t be here in the first place. Why not allow everyone to use in game advertising and tear down these obsurd requirements.

My opinion on the matter

I would choose corporate any day of the week and day of the year. Who needs to support small devs anyways? They don’t make us money at all :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:!!!


There’s something about this I’ve been concerned about, which is what Roblox will actually consider as the player ‘looking’ at an ad. I mentioned this on a prior thread regarding immersive ads - Roblox has been quite vague with it, stating it’s related to size and if you’re “looking at it”.

My concern is if it will work at a distance enough.
I have a game with a lot of things in the sky - Putting an ad on the side of a blimp would make for the perfect ad platform. I understand that, being in the sky, it would not be seen by everyone, but I would hope & expect Roblox to still count gazing at it up in the sky with it taking up a good 25-30% of the player’s screen as something - especially since it’d be the staying power of an airborn ad that gave it power, even if it was not immediately as “directly” viewed up close.


Why does it have to be USD for ads and pay a ton on exchange fees and then have to record it as a tax write off… Robux is one part of why Roblox a great platform for developers.
Robux should be allowed using devex rates at least…


Whatever amount of robux developers get paid by implementing ads in their game doesn’t seem like it could be equivalent to what more they could potentially earn if they kept players in their own game via game products or premium payouts, not to mention it could just as easily be the complete opposite scenario where people are able to farm robux by getting a bunch of alt accounts or friends to keep rejoining their game to enter their immersive ad to get the profit.

People can also just cheat buyers out of their money for the fun of it by making image advertisements impossible to actually see.

I do like the concept but there needs to be some changes.

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This seems very cool, however, one thing I feel that is very limiting is making all the ads 3d. Will there possibly be an ad gui in the future? I feel like having only 3d ads might make it impossible if say you were a game like arsenal, where you had a gui lobby. Otherwise during the round players don’t have time to look at the ads because of the fast paced style of the game. The only good time to put ads in there is when players are in the lobby and can actually focus on the ad. This is only one example, and in general I think that billboards and teleport areas might disrupt the experience of some players. For instance if you had a cartoony style western obby with very little wiggle room and then have to plant a big billboard somewhere in there, it is not only messy but detracts from the theme. I suppose that the ad would need to be an entire separate screen gui, and there would need to be only one allowed per experience, with size and visibility limits. Having an ad pop up in the top right of a gui screen seems much more engaging then a billboard far away.

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I was really excited for this update but seeing the guidelines that I can’t create these ads I think I will stay away from them altogether including using them in my games.

I understand that roblox may want to move towards a more professional and realistic approach to game development, however restricting users is not the way to do so.

In the history of roblox, the majority of most popular games were started by individuals or groups of freinds who have been on the platform since childhood. Preventing a large group of developers from using a amazing new feature will just show all of the growing, innovative and creative devs that roblox only values large studios and the likes of themselves should develop elsewhere. Great ideas come from individuals, and not from large studios who will look to create content similar to that which is already trendy and has been shown to be successful.

If roblox truly wishes to be an innovation platform they should rethink this approach or the developers who are the core of roblox will move to other platforms that may have the same restrictions, but provide other values. The reason developers such as myself use roblox is because it makes it easier for us to start a career as a minor. As seen by this forum thread, many other devs disagree with a age limited approach and doing so will only move the platform backwards. Using credit cards is a unnecessary system and roblox should at least allow us to use debit cards, and through that allow the age limit to be lowered.

Thank you to anyone who has read this far, and if you are a roblox employee, I hope you will bring these statements up to debate to at least lower the limit from 18 to 16.


Y’all officially made ads useless again. Roblox will be making tons of money off ads now that are USD based, and we developers are serving those ads - just to make little to no money whatsoever. If no developers choose to implement ads, Roblox wouldn’t make money off of them. You’re getting too greedy Roblox, and it is just as annoying as the ads update. What make immersive ads different from website ads? Seriously? Let us pay for them equally, and let anyone make them. :see_no_evil: