Sending a HTTP request doesn't return same server IP as Roblox

When you press Ctrl + Shift + F3 on your keyboard while in-game, you’ll see a menu pop up with a few bits of info. One of the pieces of information being the game server’s IP (and port), e.g.

To get the IP of a game server from server side on Roblox, you can send a HTTP request to an IP API, such as, which in turn you can get the servers location etc.

The problem is, the IPs aren’t the same. For example, pressing the keys will show, but the API request returns (the first 3 digits are the same as the request and the one given by the Roblox server when pressing the keybind).

So, my question is:

Is there a way to get the IP that pressing the keybind shows?


Can you tell me what exactly you need the IP address of the server for? Is it possible to do without IP?

This is likely due to how http service functions at its core. I would assume that https service is a separate entity from the game server (unlike workspace or rep storage), so when you make a request through it you’re essentially just proxying your request through a different http service dedicated server.

As a result of that, I don’t believe it would be possible to get the IP of the game server you’re playing in without using exploits.

The reason for the similar IPs is likely because both servers are located within the same datacenter.

In general, this can be done using the roblox api, but it would be better not to use the server ip.

I believe you are refering to this?

This is the UDMUX server’s IP address, not the RCCS server running the gameinstance, which explains your two different IP addresses according to the client and to the server.
The debug information is displaying UDMUX while your HTTP request to get the IP address is displaying the actual server running the game.

Nobody entirely knows what UDMUX means or stands for but most people assume it’s a proxy for a form of DDoS protection.

One thing to note is that there is only a | seperator between the IP address and port number (which confused me initially as it looks like a 1)

It is possible, by looking at the logs inside of your AppData.
E.g. ...\AppData\Local\Roblox\logs0.589.0.5890596_20230814T084110Z_Player_8F372_last.log:

2023-08-14T08:41:23.677Z,13.677849,387c,6 [FLog::Output] Connecting to UDMUX server, and RCC server
2023-08-14T08:41:24.107Z,14.107836,03a4,7 [FLog::Network] Set latency from Ixp live response after 447.987335 ms
2023-08-14T08:41:24.107Z,14.107836,30f4,7 [FLog::Network] Setting latency from Ixp tx: 0 rx: 0
2023-08-14T08:41:30.323Z,20.323877,264c,6 [FLog::Output] Connection accepted from|62570

In this log, I have connected to a UDMUX server and a RCCS server (game server)


Thank you for the response. I understand better now.

Just one last thing:

My goal is to check if a roblox server is UDMUX protected, but via the game (so not via logs, or pressing the keybind, but rather a script checking it). Maybe the script can check for the RCCS? Something that can easily identify a DDoS protected server from a non-protected one, via game server scripts.

Maybe something via the Roblox api?

I’m not entirely sure how you would go about that exactly. Sorry, I don’t think it’s possible with the restrictions in place.

Why do you need this? And yes, it is possible through the roblox api and read this

I need it because I’d just like to have it in my game, and maybe for friends and that. On the post you linked, I don’t see anything about roblox apis, and the API listed there is the exact reason I created this post, as the IP that API returns isn’t the same.

I’m sorry, but I can’t help you, because I don’t know for what purpose you need to get the IP of the servers. Maybe you want to do something bad. Describe what exactly you need. Perhaps you can do this without IP.

Just to be able to print if the server is protected or not in game? I don’t see what “bad” I could do lol. I’m just asking if it’s possible, and if so, how?

Could I get a response soon or?

You need to host your own web server, to which you will send requests and receive a response (due to Roblox restrictions, this cannot be done directly in the game). Also you will need to use some roblox api.
Or (the easy way) send an http request and get an IP address. Check if it is in range, if so, it is protected.
I can tell you more in DM/discord.

What? Why a web server? All need is the game servers IP for within the game.