Sending avatar per webhook

I recently made a ban system for our game and added a log per webhook.

What im trying to achieve is adding the avatar thumbnail to the embed of the person being banned

Issue is that the API returns multiple things, not just the image.
Also using the Roblox API is prohibited with HttpService

How can I fix this?

if success then
			local WebhookContent = {
				["username"] = "Ban log",
				["content"] = "User ".. player.Name.. " was banned",
				["embeds"] = {
						["author"] = {
							["name"] = "Logs"
						["title"] = "[User]("..player.UserId.."/profile) was banned",
						["fields"] = {
								["name"] = "Time",
								["value"] = param1 * 60 .. " seconds (you do the math)",
								["inline"] = true
								["name"] = "Reason",
								["value"] = param2,
								["inline"] = true
			HTTP:PostAsync(fullURLWebhook, HTTP:JSONEncode(WebhookContent))
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You’re gonna have to use a proxy. Some exist already, but they involve security risks since you never know what the owner is gonna do with them (like RoProxy, which was made after rprxy shut down) and they can always just shut down randomly. You can also make your own proxy which is a lengthier process.

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