I thought an exploiter that targeted my game was doing this to me, it’s nice to know that wasn’t the case.
You’re right. Corrected now
Not sure if this is related but I’m unable to load any game thats online. Offline .rblx files work fine but online games crash once they get on the that message saying “Loading game”
Can confirm, studio does not function for me. I went to open a baseplate starter template and studio froze while loading.
Also, this is a screenshot from another developer that shows a sudden drop in playercount for his game.
I believe it is an issue related to this post ROBLOXCRITICAL: Unable to join games: Error 400
I am unable to join games or load studio.
Places are taking a very long time to load, if they even load as sometimes they don’t. Meshes are also barely loading in, if the meshes even load in at all

Shutting down servers is also unavailable. This seems to be the same issue as yesterday.
Having the same problem,
Tried to restart studio… now it wont load back up
Again, a mass of roblox services are offline. They will get to it when they can. They’ve likely noticed it and are rushing to fix it. This is a Roblox wide issue. You may have issues joining the game and assets may load slow or not at all.
To add to this, I am currently getting lots of errors to do with the default animation script as well. Plus my roblox character is partially loading when I do a play test in studio. Here is a couple of screenshots:
I’m currently experiencing the same issues. Seems as if the same thing as yesterday is starting. I’m also unable to join any games.
I can confirm that I cannot access my team create for Tower Defense Simulator, it is no longer even loading now. I hope this issue is fixed, places are also inaccessible at this moment for some regions.
Also just recently completed some edits before this started happening. I’ve pressed publish and studio is now not responding? Are my edits lost?
Can confirm that Studio is gone, and my content loading scripts now hang forever.
Can confirm, I can’t make servers and I nothing that uses meshs do not load in studio.
Ok, I’ve now been kicked from my TC
Don’t close studio or they will be. Roblox is fixing the issues.
You should have a autosave from when TC closed if you had unsaved stuff.
It will be under the Roblox folder in Documents. If you’re on Mac idk where it will be.
The assetdelivery API returns a 503 whenever I try to connect to it, maybe this is a reason?
Documentation link for AssetDelivery API: https://assetdelivery.roblox.com/docs