SetCore Methods to Disable Friend-Related Notifications

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to disable friend-related notifications

Without disabling all of the core gui (if that even gets rid of them, I’m unsure) there is no way to disable notifications specific to friends & followers. So to propose a change, I would like to suggest new methods for SetCore.

void StarterGui:SetCore(“FriendNotificationsActive”, bool active)
void StarterGui:SetCore(“FollowerNotificationsActive”, bool active)
void StarterGui:SetCore(“FollowingNotificationsActive”, bool active)

With these additions, developers would have control over more core gui notifications than they currently do. Having the three methods separated would allow more control over which notifications a developer wants enabled and which they want disabled between friend-related notifications, follow-related notifications, and notifications from yourself following someone else.

The drawback of having your notifications disabled is that you would no longer receive an in-game notification upon someone sending you a friend request. The reason this is only an issue for friend requests is because unlike the other two types of notifications, friend requests require a response from the user receiving the notification.

However, though it may a drawback I don’t believe it hinders the ability to connect with other users as players will still be able to accept friend requests from the player list if they are playing on computer. On top of that, all players will still receive friend requests on the site like always, even if the notifications are disabled in the game you received them in. As well, friend requests are always available to be accepted from the esc menu, so removing notifications in our games isn’t removing the ability to accept friend requests in-game.

If Roblox is able to address my issue, it would improve my development experience and my game by giving developers the ability to free up more UI space.

As seen in the above image, notifications can take up very precious UI space on phones, which don’t have much to begin with. It’s a minor issue on computer, as there’s typically other alternatives to controlling your character and performing tasks on computer. However, controls (even the default, built-in jump button) can get covered on mobile.

The issue goes beyond the jump button alone though. From testing, I’ve come to the conclusion that the most comfortable place to put controls for tools that involve moving around while using on mobile is the right side of the screen. I’m sure I don’t need to explain it again, but these notifications can cover controls for our games,causing us to either make our players deal with it or put controls in places that don’t make sense for what they’re used for.

At the end of the day, I think it’s important for the player’s experience in certain games to have the right side of their screen clear at all times they need to use it, and if this feature comes to be hopefully developers are willing to go out of their way to enable the notifications at times they won’t intrude on the gameplay.

  • I would like a way for myself or other developers to disable these notifications
  • Player-Player notifications aren’t for developers to control

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I would love to disable notifications in the game menu (which can be overridden by SetCore) because I hate those notifications and sometimes I accidentally click Accept.


My game has UI in the lower right. It is not a good experience for the player to have a new UI button arbitrarily materialize over it, especially one that accepts Roblox friend requests.


The notifications are still showing up over my game’s core UI. I’m being scammed into being someone’s friends and the notifications are disruptive to the gameplay experience.

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It’s been another year. I still want to disable clickable interface from popping up over the controls of my game. Friending is still supported in the Roblox menu/player list. As a developer, I should not have to account for clickable UI popping up at random times.


Well. It’s 2023 now, I don’t think we are going to get this feature. :confused:


Just wish to bump this feature-request, the friend-request notification clashes with the UI style of my experience (colors can’t be changed nor can it be disabled), we have the ability to create our own notifications so why not the ability to disable existing notifications? On top of the mix-match in UI-style, as a developer, I also record game-play while other players playing for trailers etc. However, because of this lack of a feature, I have to limit the players I play with to those I trust or risk having annoying friend-notifications appear in-post which are almost impossible to remove!

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Gonna bump this again. I plan to create a notification module that intends to fully replace the OG notifications, and it isn’t possible without this feature. Roblox we need this!

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2018? No, I think we still need this. I’m curious as to why no staff member has even replied to it - plus, I’m sure even on PC, developers wouldn’t want notifications popping up so people can stay focused on the game.

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Personally, if this is addressed, this unlocks new possibilities such as your own notifications to say fit your game style, or just an option to turn it off if this is too intrusive.
I think there is always dedicated SetCore method to turn off badge notifications, but its strange this isn’t available for friend requests.


Please respect creators and ensure that devs can hide any UI (besides the Roblox-button) if they want to.


The ability to disable this prompt should have been fixed years ago.

  • Friending is always accessible to the users within the Roblox menu (esc menu)
  • The notification style rarely matches the style of the experience
  • The notification style doesn’t match the current Roblox style
  • These prompts can show up at any time
  • The accept prompt can show up over game visuals and interactable buttons
  • Users can accidentally interact with a prompt that has meaningful impact

I’m not saying that the prompt needs to be removed, just that these prompts should be disable-able by devs.

Trust that creators know when best to enable and disable features for the best user experience in their games.


This is still a very important issue to me as a developer on this platform.

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I’m going to need to bump this for a good reason, I really need my game to not have notifications, my game is an FPS game and any distraction is not okay. I need this.

Scratch that, there should be a player set option to disable friend requests/notifications in game (seperately) in it’s entirety.

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