Setting an object to Massless (or welding a part to HRP) fires .TouchEnded on any part you're in

I have a part, that when I set my player to Massless, it’s firing the TouchEnded event, even though my character has not moved.

	if hit.Name ~= "HumanoidRootPart" then
	print("TOUCH ENDED?!")

Also a huge concern that having an object that’s also Massless welded to the HRP causes TouchEnded to fire when the weld is disconnected on/off.

EDIT I don’t know if separate bug, but welding any part to ANY part of the character fires the TouchEnded for the HRP. Even if part is Massless false, it fires. Even though the part is inside the part too, so NOTHING is ever leaving the part

TouchEnded bug.rbxl (54.1 KB)

Expected behavior

.TouchEnded should ONLY be fired when I LEAVE the part. My HRP never actually LEAVES the part. Even the things welded to my HRP never LEAVE the part


Can I please get a report or something on this… This is a HUGE, almost game breaking bug for me

Month later, this is still a huge bug that’s slowing down my development massively