"SettingsHub" and "ReportAbuseMenuNewContainerPage" are Very Slow

Reproduction Steps:




Finally someone who talks about this, needs to be optimized heavily.
On another note, the new chat seems to have a very minature lag spike every time you mouse enter and mouse leave the gui. If that could also be fixed that would be neat. :wink:


Just to show that this needs to still be fixed


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Looking for someone to check this out. Hang tight!


I just found that changing Output Device is causing some lag too (I even got 153ms)

microprofile-20240406-184827.html (4,4 Mo)

Thank you for reporting this issue! We recognize this is slightly strange behavior, but it is intentional as part of our abuse reporting flow. While we don’t have any immediate plans to optimize this, this is a known issue that we hope we can improve at some point in the future.


I’m a bit disappointed that this performance issue will not be fixed really soon but thx for the info

Hi @Lucatacos2213 ,

We recently discussed this internally, and we’d like to better understand your concerns around these issues. Would you mind providing a little more detail on this (i.e. beyond high CPU, how much is it negatively impacting you as a dev or user?)

It also appears like there are two separate issues that we’d like to tease apart:

  1. Opening up the menu in general takes up a fair amount of CPU.
  2. Clicking into the Report tab results in a brief flash and also high CPU.

As I commented above, the latter is actually intentional as part of our abuse reporting screenshot capturing flow. We don’t have any immediate plans to optimize this, but it is still something we hope can address in the future.

As for the first issue you reported, the team is indeed planning on looking into improving that. Could you provide some more details here? Does it happen every time? Are there specific repro steps? How slow does it seem to be?



Hello, the spike occurs every time when you open the menu, the spike is really noticeable with a server of 50 people (with voice chat, if that changes anything?)

I have tested in [MIC UP 🔊 - Roblox]

I can’t even send a MicroProfile , the file is way too big

and I just found that clicking lot of time in “People” it create a big spike too

Video from @ThatOneUnoriginal : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo1GEBPO0Xo&ab_channel=ThatOneUnoriginal

It’s the only repro and information I can have that impacting the user experience

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And you can see the video when switching to Leave and Don’t Leave (Reset too), the lag happens

I hope I have given enough information to help to fix/reduce the performance problem

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I’m returning to this subject, because I saw a person who took a video of the problem of freezing when he opens the menu, it’s worse than me so I wonder if the improvements will come soon?

Video: https://youtu.be/pCvGah8pKvU

Apparently it’s now impossible to report abuse unless you press twice on the tab


I feel like this bug is occurring because you have “Reduce Motion” activated

I am also experiencing this issue, the CPU spikes and fps drops seem to be much worse on large servers and low-end devices. It does seem to happen everytime. There are no specific repro steps, you just have to open the menu by either pressing on the menu button or the escape key on your keyboard. In addition to CPU spikes and fps drops, there is a significant 1-2 second freeze that occurs when opening the menu.

On my Windows laptop, I am not noticing CPU spikes, fps drops or freezes when opening the menu on small servers and the least demanding games, however they do appear and get worse, the bigger the server is and the more demanding the game is.

On my low-end Android phone (Samsung Galaxy M12), the CPU spikes close to 400ms sometimes when opening the menu, lower at other times, the 1-2 second freeze always occurs, and the fps drop always happen. Basically it always happens to me on my phone and it’s severity depends too on how large a server is and how demanding a game is.

Spam opening/closing the menu always results in CPU spikes and fps drops, and it doesn’t matter how large a server is or how demanding a game is.

I would assume the same logic applies to the Report abuse menu. I know the brief flash is intentional but it’s just so slow and annoying. I would love for this to get optimized and fixed.

Roblox CoreScripts in general are full of performance issues, ExperienceChatMain and PlayerListManager are other examples. It would be cool if their performance issues get fixed too and if this would be prevented in the future. Things should’ve already been optimized the moment they get released or updated, instead of being released or updated half-baked, full of performance issues that never get fixed in the future. It doesn’t make sense for the most important and vital parts of Roblox to be the slowest and often times they cause the biggest performance issues on games. It’s kind of hypocrite to encourage developers to optimize on their part while Roblox isn’t doing so. Issues often get ignored when reported and never gets fixed.


Just got this bug right now while having “Reduce Motion” disabled.

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The effect is way more noticeable on lower-end devices. Also, has this issue yet to be solved, or was there a release note we are missing? I think we would like some updates on this issue

Yup, that’s what I have noticed too.

As far as I can tell, it’s still not fixed. We do really need an update and an actual fix for this issue, it’s literally been reported since March this year and there still isn’t a fix for it at all.


The UI was released, still experiencing the same issue, ridiculous