Severs Suddenly Crashing - Error 277

Thanks for the tip. I’m not seeing anything out of the ordinary on there. Again, we’ve made no changes to the game.


Your server heartbeat is quite low I’d argue, 44/s avg with lows of round 36 or so, it may be terrible networking, unless whole lobbies time out I cannot really point at a true answer

What place id are you seeing this on? Is it ER:LC?

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Yes it is ERLC



It’s worth noting that we’re seeing a lot of other bugs that randomly started occurring this morning.

Server crashing
Assets not loading
Chat bubbles not showing or not disappearing
My avatar being dressed in random clothing when I join my game

I’ve heard complaints from other devs about random bugs happening today. Maybe this should be looked into on a larger scale.


+1 on this, recently our games starting to have this “degraded” performance with these reporting coming in as well.

Our game currently isn’t playable with the character jitter bug that just recently started to happen as well:

This issue still persists, with a seemingly high impact, only on private servers. We’re trying to investigate ourselves.


Looking through all of the analytics provided by Roblox, both on the creator hub and the in-game console - everything looks pretty fine, and we haven’t identified anything yet.

However, it’s glaringly obvious that this issue is still very much happening to our players as I type. We’re constantly getting bug reports and screenshots from our players, but I won’t flood this report with any more of that.

Here’s a poll I posted in our chat server if it helps. These are results after about 25 minutes of the poll being up.


Thanks mrfergie, please keep posting your bug reports, as every little detail helps us.

We’re also trying to repro this issue on our end, but we’re having trouble doing so. Please let us know if you get a solid repro.



Hey mrfergie, I took a look at the 277 Error code here is some info I did find:

  1. It is your internet provider’s issue, DNS or IP may be down you can try to resolve it with them
  2. Roblox servers, the roblox servers are either not in a good location or low tier servers are running your game.

I don’t know how helpful this is but I wanted to hopefully help.

This is Roblox’s issue, and it states that the internet is having trouble, but it isn’t as multiple people seem to have encountered this issue over the past past few days. It isn’t only affecting ER:LC but other games as well.

Roblox Server Related Issue with the client?

It is most likely more complicated than that, as they have stated they are having issues fixing it, if it were that simple of an issue It would’ve been fixed ages ago.

That’s true I wonder if it could be like the iOS situation a few weeks ago?

Also having this problem with a multitude of games like Big Game’s Pet Simulator 99. With random client crashes and Error 277. It seems to be a Roblox issue.

I’m connected to Ethernet and my internet is quite stable, along with a pretty beefy PC. So I don’t think it’s on my end. Hopefully this gets fixed quite quickly.

Hey mrfergie, not sure if this helps at all, but I’ve tested this with a blank baseplate, and it also crashed with “Error 277”

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happened to me on phantom forces a bit ago :slightly_frowning_face: looks very widespread

Thanks guys, could you please post your Client log files (or DM them to me) next time you encounter the disconnect issue?



Hey @ScipioAfrikanos, just a quick question how do you get Client log files?

The game I am currently working for is experiencing this same issues. This game is experiencing a lot of new random errors too that kind of come out of nowhere. I was not able to find certain events that take place before the crash happen, that makes it very strange.