I came across the forum and found it interesting in this Post. It discusses achieving a shadow effect in first person, where the head is visible and the body parts too. The author mentions messing around with Motor6D in the camera but I’m unsure how it works. How can I achieve the shadow effect in first person?
Can anyone help me? I’m really desperate rn.
you’d probably want to have a real character and a “fake” character. the fake character is a clone of the real one and it’s being positioned behind the camera since the real character no longer casts shadows due to being in first person.
I don’t need to “fake” the character to achieve the shadow effect. I’m trying to use Motor6D in the camera to make it work.
you’re manipulating motor6Ds… if ur faking the character…
the original solution was extremely vague, we don’t know exactly how they solved their issue
You could use an invisible part that casts a shadow;
Make a part with the forcefield material and set it’s transparency to negative infinity