Shadow issues during Day cycle

Note: Im not exactly sure if this is a bug, but I thought it would be worth reporting just in case as it seems to be an “issue” with how the shadows are handled during this point in the cycle.

While this isnt a very noticable thing for most occasions, for my use it has become very apparent when using the Post Processing effects in a Day Cycle where when the lighting reaches past a certain point in time (Usually around ClockTime 19 - 19.3), shadows suddenly pop into existance from the moon.

As far as im aware, this isnt as noticable with the sunrise (which happens at around 5 - 6 ClockTime). But the issue still happens here.


As for any reproduction, it appears to be possible on a starter baseplate where I changed the following properties to make the effect more visible:

Lighting.Brightness = 10
Lighting.OutdoorAmbient = -- 0,0,0

ClockTime = 18.4

Shadows are still being rendered from where the sun is supposed to be, however the sun is no longer visible at this range, while the moon is in full view.

ClockTime = 19

Completely dark with moon in full view. There are no shadows at all from the moon.

ClockTime = 19.23 - 19.3 (I dont know the exact number)

Shadows suddenly pop into view, now being casted from the moon

Expected Behavior

Usually when the sun/moon is out of view, the one that is in view should begin casting shadows to the map. So when sunrise begins, they should start casting shadows once visible and stop casting shadows once its no longer visible in the sky.

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If I’m not mistaken this also happens in the morning too. This behavior is really annoying and I hope it can change. The sun needs to stop being the light source much earlier than it does right now so we can rely on the brightness property making the entirety of night time brighter.


It does, but its a less noticable transition compared to sunset unless you’re actively looking for it. (ex: The sun noon are both visible at 6, but the map is very dark)

I assume its because its only casted from one light source, of which its underground.

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.