Shield+ | Simple but INCREDIBLE admin

New Project (60)New Project (59) Created By LuaForums/Spa_rkk

Currently Shield+ is in beta so expect some bugs.

Shield+ is a ROBLOX easy to use Admin Panel.

Advantages of Shield+

  • Easy to use Sleek design
  • Quick Ban/Unban features
  • Simple prompts

New Project (62)
Patch notes:

  • testing
  • Beta release
  • info button
  • code organization

I will use this, my other ban system goes away when you die

Thanks very much, the UI looks incredible

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It’s just not good. The code is extremely messy and unreadable, and there’s barely any use cases. I wouldn’t see why you would you use this over other modules or panels.

These aren’t exactly advantages if other people already have these.


I don’t understand? I can read the code just fine?

Just because you can doesn’t mean everyone else can. I recommend looking into the single script architecture while utilizing modules.


Also my admin is still in beta so plenty of features will be added and things will be refined.

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That doesn’t mean you should release things the first day you make them. You should take time to add features and fix code to get positive feedback.


This is not the first day of development. Also fixing code isn’t making it look nice, all my code for everything is if it works efficiently and I can easily add features it’s good enough.

Im just saying you shouldn’t rush your development, as by looking at your code it suggests you did.

Readability is key. Adding documentation to your code is extremely important.


Okay ill just stick to making game then :slight_smile:
Its clear that I’m not good enough for other people.

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I am not trying to discourage you. The problem is that you aren’t taking my criticism the way it was intended to be taken. I’ll be honest here, my first post was a bit rude, though most programmers may agree that your code is messy. That’s the only thing wrong the resource :smiling_face_with_tear: the code. The UI is great.


I really don’t know what clean code look like lol.
I learned to script from the devforum so my code is kinda sloppy

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You just need to organize your code into sections, and utilize variables. Here is an the template code for my package manager:

-- // Basic Types //

type table = {any}
type dictionary = {[string]: any}
type array = {[number]: any}

-- // Custom Types //

-- // Package Configuration //

local Package = {}

local PackageAssets = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Assets")
local PackagePlugins = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Plugins")
local Settings = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("PackageConfiguration"):WaitForChild("Settings"))

-- // Variables //

local round = math.round

-- // Functions //

function Package.round(number: number)
	return round(number)
	-- honestly useless, but it's an example i guess

return Package

Also, you should utilize types, they are pretty powerful.
Just search up articles.

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This looks cool! I might consider using this in the future! Thanks!

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Lacks features and a purpose to use it - whats the point in creating an admin system with 3 commands (commands which can be used on other moderators) while calling it an ‘INCREDIBLE admin’?

Only perk is the UI look but customisation is hard as for whatever reason you’re using ImageFrames for the core of the UI? Makes customising to your games colour themes more difficult, as well as the UI not even looking the same as it does in the top image.

You are also required to hard-code admins instead of being able to give admin ingame, which is a major security flaw in pretty much every case. Imagine, for example, an admin goes rogue and exploits your game. You’d have to boot up studio, remove them from the script and reset the server. Keep in mind there is also NO command logs.

With more features this could be good. In my opinion this shouldn’t’ve been released yet, and should’ve had more features upon release.


The UI is fine, but I wouldn’t really use it for any productive cases. It really only has 3 barebone features, not really worth it in my opinion.

I will use it once there have been some more features added to it


Oh you released it! Let’s remove HD Admin from my games and add Shield+ :wink:

Thanks for the great feedback! I will figure out how to remove admins soon! Also more features are to come very soon!

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I wouldn’t recommend Shield until it has more features, or you may not be able to manage your game.


@Spa_rkk, can I please make a showcase of Shield+ to advertise it? I’d like a lot to do that!

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