Group Binder - Create a Shortcut for Grouping!

Part of MazenEz’s Plugins

:rocket: Introducing Group Binder

Group Binder is the ultimate grouping plugin where you create a Grouped Item and create a shortcut for it and Group it.

:question: What is Group Binder

Group Binder is a plugin where you choose an Instance and make a shortcut for it and when you press that ShortCut in studio it’ll group it into that instance. Example is CTRL+G in Roblox studio, It creates models, In this Plugin you choose an instance such as a ScreenGui (you can choose any) and have a shortcut for it and if you press that ShortCut, it will automatically group it to as a ScreenGui (ofcourse the instance you chose, this is just an example), They also save and you can remove them at any time!

It also has the ability to ungroup any object having child in it by pressing CTRL + U.

:camera: Pictures of Group Binder

See Pictures!

How much does it cost

ShortCut Grouper is FREE :robux:.


Install Group Binder



I’m really excited to see this plugin help with your workflow. As always I’m open for suggestions and feedback. Hope fully you’ll love this Plugin!

  • Here are also some tips!
    • To add one shortcut key you can make both of them the same Input for example M and M.
    • Some key binds aren’t available yet (“F”, “W”, “A”, “S”, “D”, “I”, “O”)
    • If you want to add the Keybind “CTRL”, You will have to type “LeftControl” or “RightControl”.

I like that there’s more options for grouping

Like one time you forgot to add a ViewportFrame and you have parts inside a GUI and you can just straight up group them


Thank you! Hope fully this will help with your workflow. If you find any bugs please report it and I’ll fix it asap!


Install button is not working, are you sure you added the link?

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My bad, Should be added now!

really useful plugin would definitely recommend!


Thank you! Hope fully it will help with your workflow!

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I don’t think resources or creations are allowed to be paid. Seeing these warnings and the [FREE FOR LIMITED TIME] in the title took a lot away from the post in my opinion. It nearly scared me away before I saw that this plugin is slightly useful.

The plugin seems like an interesting idea. It could be helpful, because you can only group things into models. Good job!

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They can! If it’s free then it’d be in community resources if it’s paid then It can be in creations feedback, I wanted to make this plugin free for about a day (which is 2 hours away) and after that change the topic to creations feedback category,

I’ll remove that. Thanks for your feedback

Thanks, I really appreciate it!

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The plugin is now paid! Congrats to everyone who got it!

Amazing plugin and works great! Would recommend I find it very useful


Thanks for the nice words! I really appreciate it!

A new update should release pretty soon. Let me know if you have any suggestions or found any bugs.

Update 1.5 (Mini Update)!

On Friday, there’d be a big update coming soon. So make sure to get ready!

  • The plugin is now free until 3/18/2023
  • Added History Changes (So you can now revert back changes).
  • Fixed lots of bugs!

Let me know if you have any features you want me to add in the big update!

I do no know how useful this is but add “Ungroup”? Basically, select an instance, press “Ungroup”, then you will have all of its children out of it (Parent it to its parent’s parent then destroy).

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That’s a GREAT idea! Thank you so much!!

One question though - Will the User create the shortcut for it? Or do I make it when the user press CTRL+U it ungroups?

CTRL+U and if it does not work out then CTRL+ALT+U.

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It would be nice if you could group without creating a shortcut or is it already a thing?

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