What are you working on currently? (2023)

This kinda looks like the old roblox gears for when it would show you an UI prompt and you would have to pick what to choose lol (more specifically, the tic-tac-toe gear)

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iron men are place holders for the wip morphs


I am working a a GUI eyeball for my game.


Tonight, I finished the baby bottle (which I now refer to as a “nursery bottle”) that I showed the 3D model of before.

I really put effort into my first bottle, trying to give it details that other non-Roblox games (the Sims series) and experiences on Roblox (Royale High and probably more) don’t bother to include. Yes, I gave a bottle for infants (and toddlers?) the same love and details as I do to disposable restaurant cups (see my WAYWOC 2022 posts).

As I promised, the meshes were simplified before importing them into Roblox; All of the meshes combined are 2,566 triangles, which Roblox always processes (regardless of which “drink mesh” is visible), since it strangely renders completely transparent meshes for some reason. Here’s how it looks in-game, currently using Enchantix High’s bottle lid and…tip color. (I assume the word for that yellow part can’t be said here.)

Speaking of that part, there is a small hole on top, just like a real one. I don’t think any other bottle model in a Roblox experience has included this detail.

Unlike straws, nursery bottles have to be tilted downward to drink from them. If the bottle just used one set of “drink meshes”, it would look weird, like the liquid inside is glue, stuck to the bottom of the bottle.

To account for this, the bottle has two sets of liquid meshes, one with the liquid stuck to the top of the bottle (for drinking) and another at its bottom (for when the bottle’s not in use).

Does anyone like the new bottle? I think I did a good job.

:package:Resource Release!

On June 2nd, 2024, I added this nursing bottle to the Creator Store as a resource!


Thank you! I still gotta polish alot of aspects but I’m happy to hear!


Working on my plugins such as:


New revamped items leak for The Rake


Lol, it kinda does!

This is still very early in WIP, it will change for the better! :wink:

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Request for Feedback on My Roblox Admin Panel :video_game::man_technologist::woman_technologist:

Hello fellow gamers! :wave:

I’ve been slaving away in my digital sweatshop and I’m proud to announce that I have created the ultimate Roblox admin panel to help game developers manage their games like a boss! :muscle:

As you already know, Roblox is the most amazing online gaming platform out there, and with my admin panel, it’s going to be even more awesome! :star_struck:

But hey, I’m not perfect (yet! :sunglasses:), so I need your help. I would love if you could check out my admin panel and let me know what you think. Do you think the user interface is smooth? Is it easier to use than a fork to eat soup? Do you find the features useful like a pocket on a shirt? :thinking:

If you have some time, please check it out and let me know your thoughts. I’m all ears! :ear:

Thank you in advance for your time and feedback, my fellow Roblox enthusiasts! :pray:

Best regards,
Ahmed Farid

P.S. I promise not to make your eyes bleed with bad design! :joy::eyes:


Honestly this is just my opinion, but depending on what your game looks like, you can ignore this but:
I would honestly prefer a darker theme for the admin panel


I’m currently writing this after being blind, just a tip, make the admin panel darker, I just became blind :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I’ve been working on a Obby!


@scpSCARRYY and @Dede_4242
Thank you for letting us know what you think about our admin panel. We’re sorry if you had a bad experience. Thanks for your suggestion about making the admin panel darker. We’ll keep it in mind when we work on improving the design.

All the best,
Ahmed farid


A short sneak peek of Reincarnated.


Looks a little generic, but you could add a theme or some sort of special movement to improve it!

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Hey!! I havent been on roblox for about a year now, but im glad to be back presenting some of my new artwork! Id also appreciate ratings and suggestions.


Finished making the entertainment Lounge for my futuristic RPG game.
There are activities in The Lounge (checkers, billiard), where players can just relax and hangout, or optionally wager some in-game currency for a more competitive gameplay.

See the video and give feedback here - Entertainment Lounge Showcase


Thanks to Spoon Scribble’s help, I was able to get access to the spoon’s HD Sonic mod’s textures files which I converted into usable PBR texture to give sonic a major quality increase!

The textures look absolutely stunning.



what have i done…

I figured if every triangle could be made out of two right angled triangles, and that wedges had right angled faces, that i could make an army of triangles

(i used the Side Side Side method)


Another window