Shorthand Properties Panel Input

I mentioned it, however It seems like it indeed IS unnoticed though, and that’s not good.


As a non-regular, how would I do so? What would I have to do in order to send a feature request as member?

In regards, its nice that QoL features are being added. However everytime i attempt to parse a hex value (such as #ff0000 or 00ff00, it parses successfully but throws an error into console
as for without #, it’s a bit different


UDim2 0.5 :heart_eyes:

These minor changes will make life so much easier


You can send feature requests to @Bug-Support, iirc they do now accept feature requests and change the category for you.

This QoL is meant for manual input: the Properties window. It’s not part of the interpreter. When using colors in scripts, you should use Color3.fromHex.


workspace.Baseplate.Color = Color3.fromHex("#ff0000")
workspace.Baseplate.Color = Color3.fromHex("ff0000")

The # is automatically ignored.


I am about the shorthand inputs.
this malformed number error appears because of me including digits within base 11-16

as for with #, it appears that it interprets it as “oh i gotta measure length of nil” and throws an error of apparently trying to get the length of nil value


Siiick!! Finally a update where I wont type the whole UDim2 values!


Quality of life change and a very welcome one, too.
Thank you for your commitment.


There is a project for it, engine code is being written, there’s even a hidden toggle in Roblox Studio for internal testing (there are still issues to solve with it).
I understand the frustration around this feature, but like that response said, work is being done.


Really looking forward to putting arithmetics for convenience! For example, 20+150170 instead of having to calculate manually. After Effects has this feature and I find this useful and increase productivity.


As a suggestion for the Properties panel that I overlooked to mention; it’s still impossible to copy-paste RGB values to and from ColorSequence properties.


This might be a little too off-topic (since this post is meant for the properties tab) or a duplicate but I’d love to see the ability to use operators on values like this:

A feature like Blender has, where you could write 0.125 * 2 and the number changes to 0.25


I think the vague wording makes it seen as if the project isn’t being focused on; the staff did mention it’s being worked on, but following up with ‘it’s on our radar’ implies it’s only being investigated as a potential idea for the far future, rather than something that’s being actively written as you have mentioned.


Will we get these abilities within the compiler itself? I find it annoying having to type in UDim2’s, Vectors and Colors and being able to just put a single input in would make it easier.

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Thank you for the response. I appreciate it.


It’s great to see you guys addressing that, thank you! Also, could you give an update on the multiple feature requests about raising the max size of images? About emissive texture support on surface appearance? About fixing the transparency on glass? For me as an artist, those are VERY important.

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This is a great update and I would love to submit feature requests for more stuff like this! However, I can’t because I’m but a lowly Member here on the DevForums and, to my current knowledge, there hasn’t been a way to become a Regular with permissions to do so for several years now. Please correct me if I’m wrong or if there is a better way to do it though. I would love to be wrong on this.

If I can suggest something here though, with this change it’s a little hard to tell what shorthand inputs will work until you discover them (apart from those mentioned in the post.) Perhaps there could be a sort of autocomplete where you can see what the panel infers as your value before you hit enter, like Intellisense for coding.

There’s already UDim2.fromOffset and UDim2.fromScale for shorter forms in code if you weren’t aware of those. Most likely we would not add even shorter forms than that because in code squeezing things down to the shortest possible form hurts readability a lot.

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Fun fact, it’s doing this because the properties panel inputs actually have a full Luau evaluator in them. I may add a special case to skip this evaluator when you prefix a Color3 input with # because yeah, that’s annoying.


This feature is great! It’s already saved me tons of time just today.

I did find one bug however. Typing “255” in the TextColor3 property seems to return 34, 85, 85.

Expected return: 255, 255, 255

I’m not sure if this has something to do with it trying to generate hex colors or 255 being a color code of some sort that I’m not aware of, but it seems logical that just typing in one number should return that number for R, G, and B.


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Cool change, glad to see the feature requests coming in clutch

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