Shorthand Properties Panel Input

Are there any plans to allow for simple arithmetic that can be used for numeric properties in the properties widget?


Pane is actually a synonym to panel.

I wonder about property types like BrickColor now. Not being able to type it in manually is a quirk at this point.


You donā€™t tend to see a lot of staff replies on Feature Requests because thereā€™s often a nuanced discussion behind what we would add / when we will get to adding it, with us not wanting to overpromise and disappoint people. But there are very much staff paying attention to the feature requests posts. Thereā€™s even explicit tracking of top community asks.

Also, even with good suggestions you wonā€™t necessarily see us immediately jump on them. It usually makes more sense to group together a bunch of improvements related to the same part of Studio under one consolidated effort, especially when those improvements could impact workflow and need to be put under a beta to avoid unexpectedly breaking things for developers.


They used panel multiple times so it doesnā€™t makes sense to change it


Um, donā€™t you need to be a regular to post there? Funny joke, Roblox.


Ooh, this is looking pretty great! There is one more piece to this Iā€™d love to see, could we get spaces to count as commas for properties? Being able to type out 2 12 4 instead of 2,12,4 would mean being able to quickly type in a lot of values with only one hand.


Maybe a copy option for something like this that outputs a you can easily use in a script would be good


This is a great feature I been wanting, I often forget my last ā€œ,0ā€ in defining udims and it always felt frustrating


I just updated studio and for some reason my autocomplete stopped working. Is this happening for anyone else or is it just me?

EDIT : I restarted studio and switched computer on and off which fixed it. Good opportunity to see how well I could code without autocomplete, I found I worked slightly faster on semi complex systems.


The UDim2 changes are probably some of my favourite that youā€™ve dropped this year. Earlier today I was even thinking to myself about how much I hate having to follow the proper curly brackets and precisely placed commas format! Chefā€™s kiss, absolutely beautifulā€¦ :pinched_fingers: :kiss:


Thank you for implementing such feature into Roblox Studio. This definitely speeds up the process of modifying such properties, especially the UDim2 one.


When selecting multiple objects, instead of disabling the rename button, make it jump to the Name property in the properties widget if it is already open


hey i would just like to say, thank you so much for caring about us developers. the way you worded this is great and it seems like you actually really care about our suggestions and all. thank you so much for this update as well :heart_on_fire:


LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOO FINALLY! I do not have to type 0.5,0,0.5,0 all the time now! good ob roblox!


That is a very nice feature!
One thing that possibly could be done, is if filling in a color3 value and you just input a number, say ā€œ133ā€ that it would fill that in as ā€œ133,133,133ā€
i think that would be very useful to me as i use grayscale colors a lot


Finally, this is great. A nice way to input math.huge , NaN (0/0) would be a cool addition.

As an aside ā€“ Studio would be great / nice to work with / cause less pain if you were the guy who decided things up top. Your level of understanding on what is needed (and honestly what we like) is spot-on. Lots of people (Iā€™m sure they try their best) seem to overlook things like this. Also like your explanations. Makes me feel less stupid. @tnavarts


I can finally input short form hex codes! The day has come.

Thabks for fixing these micro-annoyances :slight_smile:


Quite hypocritical if I allow myself to say so.

Thereā€™s been a feature request asking for extended light ranges which was made 7 years ago and still isnā€™t implemented with no updates in sight, except an employee saying ā€œthey are looking into itā€ 8 months ago, however we all know what that means.

The post has almost 23k views at the date of writing this, so there is no way a single engineer hasnā€™t seen this.

If you guys encourage us to make feature requests, then for crying out loud actually look at them and act upon them, especially if the community supports and embraces the request.

The request in question:
Increase Range Limit of Lights - Feature Requests / Engine Features - Developer Forum | Roblox

If you flag this/take this down for being off-topic, then I donā€™t know what to tell you, I am simply replying to what an employee stated in this post, nothing off-topic.


The thread in question has certainly not gone unnoticed.

Hereā€™s the staff reply for reference:

There will always be unfortunate outliers where itā€™s very hard to get developers what they want even where thereā€™s a lot of demand. Most will eventually come through though even if it takes some time.

A relatively recent example is the granular Streaming controls, which were a very long term ask since the introduction of streaming, and things eventually came together for them to get released.


this is gonna save me so much sanity, THANKYOU :sob: