Show off your UI designs

no shit bro I have eyes too :roll_eyes:

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oh heck nah that’s damn near perfect!

yeah no i don’t think that UI is the only impressive part here lmao

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Question; are there any free alternatives? I see a bunch of copies of the same plugin that’s just a default icon;

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Pretty neat. I like it’s clean while it still has character. Do you do the scripting behind it or UI only?

I like the UI, but I have a few suggestions. The user’s tab has nothing below it and the moderation buttons should be a bit moved up to align with the user tab. I would add an extra option in the bottom right corner? I’d Also add gradients and make the background have a bg texture and make it SLIGHTLY transparent. Check out UIBlur - New ui blur [fully automatic]. Add a close button on the top right corner so its easy to open and close. Make the user tab’s background not such a black color. I hope these suggestions will help you with everything you need. Give me a DM if you need a bit more feedback. Have a nice day!

i don’t think so… but you can use asset inserters

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why did this take longer than it shouldve taken


i like how the camera moves slightly with the mouse! maybe make it a little more smooth though

Currently making a ProfileService importer and editor plugin that helps new players edit/add plugins without the hassle of learning scripting.


it doesn’t look smooth because I was madly shaking my mouse around lol, not sure why obs didn’t record my cursor

Thanks for the feedback nonetheless, much appreciated.


ohh, my point was to maybe incorporate a slowish tween instead of direct input from the mouse

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What chiseledcheese is saying, it to add drag to the menu.

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suuuper simple ui in a realllllly cool map


That’s done. Turns out it wasn’t just for aesthetics, it was necessary.

The parallax effect was actually messing with other parts of the UI - specifically, it was making the lines between abilities go off-center.

The solution was to reset the parallax effect back to its center before drawing the lines, but then there’d be a noticeable jerk afterwards, because of how the mouse would be positioned when the lines are drawn.

The solution to that was simply to tween the parallax effect instead.

Took quite a bit of effort to pull off, but this was an opportunity to refine my parallax library more.

Thanks for the input!

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roblox studio ui redesign


This is blender level not gonna lie

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random custom backpack ui


that’s great! my only suggestion would be to make the tooltip number keybinds black for the background, and then in the menu itself, moving “backpack menu” to the right a little so the padding is even

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No need to get so jelly, you’ll get there one day.