Show off your UI designs

The UI is very neat and clean, but there are 2 things triggering me about the UI.

  1. The size of the elements. The toggle button and the sliding bar are too big compared to the text.
  2. Normal font doesn’t suite the UI style you’re going for (imo). Probably should try going for something a bit more professional font.

Other than that, I love the UI!

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Thanks for the feedback!

On the font, Source Sans Pro is the closest I found for the SF-Pro font, here’s an image for comparison. (The red text is SF-Pro, the font Vision OS UI uses.)

The UI element sizes were designed to be identical to those found in Vision OS.

Thanks again for taking the time to give your thoughts!

come on, why not Inter?? it’s the closest to SF Pro

This is from my game thats in development.

As requested, heres my ui !


just move it down a bit bro its not that hard


it should be called calm, its been in a few games like noodle vr (same im just answering a question)

UI Showcase for an FPS looter shooter survival game, what do yall think?

*Sorry for the bad video quality (my pc is trash)


I love the FOV effect on the character lol

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I’m trying to create a pixel-perfect recreation of the Windows 10 OS, whilst also giving myself the challenge of only using Roblox UI elements (except for icons).

Only the hover effects, window dragging, and accurate date and time are working for now.

Please, check it out and give me feedback!

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could you provide some screenshots or videos instead of a gamelink?

Sure, here’s a video!

It also supports any colour as title bar, and automatically adapts the colour of the icons and text!



wow this is incredible, well made!

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check out my ui for vids to indicate who’s talking to you

  • Program used: Canva

It is animated

Without green background and how it will look like in the vid

Original file

I don’t know or you call it ui or something else

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Fill in this (ui) design _____
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If it can be improved what can be improved

Shop interface using viewport frames for item previews. Still working out the colors.

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bit of arknights stuff & montserrat is my new best friend now


cause it not on roblox

creator store > fonts >

it does why did you not install it!!

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InGameMenuV3 flashbacks

i have a massive obsession over this version of the menu, it’s just why did they remove this is beyond me!!


2100 replies

I’m number 2100

Any things I can improve on this design

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I was a little confused why someone posted a picture of notepad, and then I realized it was a remake. Great work! :+1:

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