Show places instead of games in Recent tab

The flow for editing a place that is not the main place in a game is bad and really slow. I need to launch studio (takes ~ 45 seconds), open the main place (takes another 30 - 60 seconds to load), select the place I actually want to edit in the game explorer, then wait for a new studio window to open and load the game (30 - 60+ seconds)

This could be easily resolved if the recent tab showed places instead of games



This was a change made a couple years back to “reduce confusion”.

Still don’t think it was the best one, but oh well. I think there should be a dropdown on each game tile that allows you to select places attached to that game instead of having just a whole list of places.


This is still one of my most wanted features! Currently, it is hard for me to quickly get back to work on my most recently modified place, as I must first load into the experience’s starting place, then use the Asset Manager to travel to my destination place. This issue is magnified by the fact that currently to achieve what I want, I am forced to use this outdated-looking and slow-to-load page:

I would very much prefer the Recent tab to instead allow me to load my most recently modified place.