Does anyone know why this happened after pending? It shows that I earned zero robux from my gamepass (but my gamepass priced was more than 10R$).
This doesn’t happen to the rest of my gamepassses. Not to my VIP servers either.
I think I actually did earn something form the gamepass that shows 0 robux but it’s very weird.
March 2, 2023, 11:23pm
This is a bug report I believe or an error which might get fixed. Is this still happening?
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Yes, it’s actually has been happening since around 3 weeks.
I thought it was just a small error, I believe (haven’t went through using addition and checking if there’s any differences to the balance) that although the amount didn’t show, the amount did get added to the group.
March 2, 2023, 11:28pm
y has been happening since around 3 weeks.
I thought it was just a small error, I believe (haven’t went through using addition and checking if there’s any differences to the balance) that although the amount didn’t show, the amount did get added to the group.
Post this as a bug report because I believe this is an bug issue on the website
Alright! characters characters characters
Hey! Do you mind if you do the bug report for me? I never did one, and I got to prepare bc tornado warning in my area (sorry if kinda off topic).
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March 2, 2023, 11:45pm
I am not a regular sorry and stay safe
(Account Info)
March 3, 2023, 3:17am
No, I have the issue from the group, not from a user transactions.