Significant delay on displaying particle effects, even after first load and on repeated reuse

There is a significant delay when playing particle effects, between when the emitter is created and has particles, and when the visuals display.

But this is normal, and somewhat understandable and expected!

What is not normal, is that if you do the following:

  • Clone a particle emitter out of ServerStorage

  • Call :Emit() a bunch of times to make some particles
    Notice that this particle emitter takes a moment or two to start displaying as the texture loads (easily 100+ms)

  • Clone in the same particle emitter etc while the first one is still in the scene playing
    Notice that the new emitters work instantly!

  • Delete everything

  • Go back to step 1, and notice the delay is back, even though we were just using these particle systems

It appears Roblox is now aggressively unloading textures if no particle systems are currently using that texture under game.workspace.

If this is the case, what is the expected way to keep particle systems “hot” so there is no delay when spawning in infrequently used particles?

Expected behavior

I would expect recently used particles to not be so aggressively unloaded.


Thanks for reporting the issue!
Could you please provide a place file to reproduce it?

This bug report better demonstrates the issue, and has a reproduction.

Hey MrChickenRobot,
I tried to reproduce the issue you mention in the linked post. When switching between first and third person, I wasn’t able to see the aggressive texture unloading you mention.

Are you seeing this issue mostly on Studio or on Client? Is there a specific platform you’re noticing this more on (Windows, Mac, Mobile, etc?). Also if you could provide a .rbxl placefile where you see this happen frequently it would help us.

It’s been a while since I last heard about this issue. I still haven’t been able to reproduce it, so I’m going to assume it’s no longer a problem anymore