My only suggestions is gamepass, VIP server, Automatic admin (Admin House games for example) and asset owning. My games use HD admin currently and they have a VIP server, asset, and Gamepass ranking.
Edit: I also want a command bar because Kohls admin and HD admin have them.
Is there any docs? Looking at the example admin command helps me understand some of the features, but I want to know everything I can do when making commands.
+ Added :setwaypoint / :setwp <name> (Sets a waypoint at your position)
+ Added :tpwaypoint / :twp <player> <waypoint> (Teleports the specified player(s) to the waypoint)
+ Added :removewaypoint / :delwp <name> (Deletes the specified waypoint)
+ Added :waypoints (Shows a list of waypoints)
+ Added :getinfo <command> (Shows info about a command such as arguments, aliases, level, etc...)
+ Added :viewtools <player> (shows what tools the specified player has)
+ Added :heal <player> (Heals the target player)
+ Refresh command (resets the character and restores their position and tools)
+ Added :slock <reason> (Locks the server so people that aren't mods cannot join)
+ Added :unslock (Unlocks the server)
+ Added :joinlogs (Shows a log of the players that have joined and how long ago they joined)
! Top-bar messages now stack on each other instead of overlapping, this allows for multiple messages to be displayed together.
! Added feedback to a lot of the commands
! UI Containers now have nice effects and will automatically sort themselves
! Command levels now index Service.AdminLevels
! A bunch of bug fixes and interal stuff I probably cannot remember :(
Amazing work after Khol Admin randomly not working, Everyone was switching to HD Admin but i think The Feature of yours of creating Custom Commands is Really Good!
+ Added command separators - Example: ':respawn me | :give me all'
+ Added %[team] macro - Example: ':kill %enemy'
+ Added 'random' macro - Example: 'kill random'
+ Added -[radius] macro - Example: 'kill -15' (Kills players within -(x) studs of you)
+ Added ':jlogs' alias to ':joinlogs'
+ Added feedback to unban/ban
! Warning somebody will now show a window on the target's screen with who warned them and why they were warned.
! Settings.DisableFunCommands will now remove the command from the command table rather than blocking it in the processor.
! Reworked a lot of the command processor so it now easily supports adding/removing player macros
! [developers] We no longer use string.match internally for matching team and player names, refer to Service.StartsWith().
! [developers] Service.PlayerWrapper will now return a cached value - you can now compare it and share values with it. (its also a LOT more efficient)
This update was driven almost completely by community feedback & suggestions! If you would like to request a feature, you can do so at
The only other feature I would love to see is a native music system, where a playlist plays in the background for all players, but if someone is a certain rank, they can skip, pause, resume, and set song. I have been looking for something like that for forever, and have never found it. This would shoot you ahead of the competition, such as Kohl’s Admin and Basic Admin.
It will not boost the systems as Basic Admin has stop, play, pitch, volume, etc for a certain level of administrators and so does Kohl with the features you stated.