Skill Based Servers

Hi, I have a question and its whether you can make skill based servers in Roblox.
I am sure the answer is obvious whether its yes or no but I don’t know

I have an idea in my game where depending on how many experience you have is what match making you get. For example if you have 0-100 then you will be put with other people who have that much, same thing with 100-200, 200-350, 350-500 etc
1st place = 10 experience
2nd place = 7
3rd = 5 etc

If you join a friend it would be bypassed, or if there isnt enough players with that amount of experience then u would go down a tier.

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I don’t believe you can do something like this.

This might help

You should be able to do that using TeleportService, you just need to keep track of your servers and the people in them.

Some things:

  • Players are assigned to servers original by Roblox, you get a few assignment types and player count settings.
  • After that, you can move players where ever you want. If you’re trying to do match making, look into either the MemoryStoreService. I haven’t looked into that much, though I believe you can just make multiple queues for each rank category. You can also use an external server and HTTP requests. If you use an external server you can pretty much do anything you could want for match making.

Forgot to mention, use TeleportService and store your server codes.

You can implement a ELO or MMR system into your game using data stores, and then use a hub server to match large amount of players, and teleport competitors to reserved servers as a match.

This would be almost impossible, unless you use a 3rd party.

You’ll need to make use of the TeleportService to achieve this, you’ll likely also need cross-server messaging to allow for you to dynamically (in live time) ascertain the skill level of different servers before teleporting player(s) there.

I’d recommend using the teleport functions which support teleport data to be transmitted with the teleported player(s).

It’s not impossible…

since its a matchmaking, i believe you could make

--A button, after you click, you will open a GUI to see Current Matches ( Before they Begin )

--[Insert function of that Button [GUI] here --
--If they click, then it will send a RemoteEvent asking to Enter on it...

local Match1 = {
Quantity = 0,
-- Insert Player here if 
--Level 9 or Below

local Match2 = {
Quantity = 0,
-- Insert Player here if 
--Level 10 ~ 19
local Match3 = {
Quantity = 0,
-- Insert Player here if 
--Level 20 ~ 29

local Match4 = {
Quantity = 0, -- what this means is, the amount of players that "Joined on this Queue"
--Level 30 ~ 39

local Match5 = {
Quantity = 0,
-- Insert Player here if 
--Level 40 or Above

--Server script --

---All Data of users, can be Wins, Defeats, Kills, Anything, but don't forget to add a special Stringvalue
--called: "Status" this will define if the player is in a [QUEUE] 

for example:
local Status ="StringValue", player)
Status.Name = "CurrentMatch"
Status.Value = "None"

---- Important Remote Function ----- [The client sent to Server, and [HERE] the server will change stuff
--OnServerEvent remote event function(plr) -- who fired ( the player )
--The player.CurrentMatch.Value will be changed, depending on your --Level or Skill [Below is an example]

--(I'll use a"IntValue") as an example here ( if you know what i'm saying)
local PlrLv = player.Level.Value

if PlrLv <= 9 and if Match1[Quantity] < 11 then -- If the user is Level 9 or Below 
--Don't forget to change the "Status" Value

--Ex: player.CurrentMatch.Value = "Match1" -- Changed his "Status"
Match1[Quantity] = Match1[Quantity] + 1 -- [Table] --maybe will work or not

--In case Table dind't worked:
game.ReplicatedStorage.Match1.Value = game.ReplicatedStorage.Match.Value + 1 -- will add +1
--So this will change to everyone, it will look like a Global Queue

else if PlrLv >= 10 and PlrLv <= 19 then -- if he is Between 10 ~ 19 Level

player.CurrentMatch.Value = "Match2"
Match2[Quantity] = Match2[Quantity] + 1

else if PlrLv >= 20 and PlrLv <= 29 and if Match3[Quantity] < 11 then -- Between 20 ~ 29 Level

 player.CurrentMatch.Value = "Match3"
Match3[Quantity] = Match3[Quantity] + 1

else if PlrLv >= 30 and PlrLv <= 39 and if Match4[Quantity] < 11  then -- Between 30 ~ 39 Level

 player.CurrentMatch.Value = "Match4"
--Update the Table:
Match4[Quantity] = Match4[Quantity] + 1

else if PlrLv >= 40  and Match5[Quantity] < 11 then --  Level 40 ~ ??? [See if Queue has Less than 11 Players] (So, in total, only 10 player can join)
Match5[Quantity] = Match5[Quantity] + 1
 player.CurrentMatch.Value = "Match5"



--What if player leaves from the Queue?

--Create a [Gui Button] that activates each time the player click 
--[Removing the Player from the Match--

--You only need to change this Value:
 player.CurrentMatch.Value = "None"
--Subtract -1 in game.ReplicatedStorage.Match(Name of Match) 

--Create a function that [if QUEUE is FULL, then it will not insert the player]
--this is more to prevent some Bugs

----- Now, how to teleport them -----


--After some time, the match starts, but the question is...

--how to Teleport all players at the same time?

---[Insert a function here [after 1 minute or 3 the Match Starts] -- (Server Side)

--After the countdown, the server will grab all tables and teleport them at the same time

—I advise you to check:
RemoteEvent | Roblox Creator Documentation
and learn more about this because
i will not explain here (Sorry)

-- Server Script --

local function TeleportingUsers()
--After 1 minute, this will Run


--Local Script --
local TS = game:GetService("TeleportService")

local Match1Place = 21419285 -- ID of the place here, the place must exist
local Match2Place = 111111111
local Match3Place = 63842813
local Match4Place = 99993923
local Match5Place = 49993923

--[OnClient.Event Stuff here] -- Since the server will Fire all Clients, then anyone with the "CurrentMatch.Value" Changed will:

--automatically Teleport to an specific Match based on "Status" [Ex: Match1, Match2, Match3]

local Plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer

if player.CurrentMatch.Value == "Match1" then -- "CurrentMatch" is a "StringValue" inside the player_
--Level 9 or Below

--if the player has the CurrentMatch.Value , then probaly he is in a [QUEUE]

--Note 2: Hackers can easily change their values, that's where you must add some protection,
--kinda hard to figure it out, but it's easy

TS:Teleport(Match1Place, plr) -- Basic, don't need Player ID, and will Teleport_

else if player.CurrentMatch.Value == "Match2" then -- 
--Level 10 ~ 19
TS:Teleport(Match2Place, plr) --Place 2

else if player.CurrentMatch.Value == "Match3" then -- 
--Level 20 ~ 29
TS:Teleport(Match3Place, plr) --Place 3

else if player.CurrentMatch.Value == "Match4" then -- 

TS:Teleport(Match4Place, plr) --Place 4
--Level 30 ~ 39

else if player.CurrentMatch.Value == "Match5" then -- 
--Level 40 or Highter
TS:Teleport(Match5Place, plr) --Place 5


That’s it, probaly will work, and will teleport to the specific [Place]

If anything goes wrong, Check again your script to see if nothing is missing, most of the time i forgot a Word or Two… and this confuses me thinking that the script is wrong

This is just an example, i haven’t tested it, if something goes wrong, probaly you need to put a value as a reference inside ReplicatedStorage, so when a player join in a Queue it will Acrescent +1
and if Leave, -1 … so it will replicate to others users i guess

And there is something else:

i don’t know if tables will work, because i dind’t tested_
Probaly ReplicatedStorage is the best shot,
Value inside ReplicatedStorage called: “Match1” (“IntValue”) = 0

Each time someone join, it will add +1 and If leave, will remove -1

I’m not sure why people are saying this would be impossible, it would be pretty straight forward.

Players will have to join a “lobby” server. If you want the lobby can be a map where the players run around or the lobby can be nothing and you don’t have to even load the characters in.

The main point of the lobby is so that you can run your code and then teleport the player to a specific server based on their skill level.

But it’s 100% possible to do, no doubt about that. It’s even listed on the API reference.