Skinned MeshPart Studio Beta

Would there be a support for being able to attach accessories to a single meshed part in the future? or will it remain as it currently is.


@ContextLost can you comment for @Yuuwa0519 ?


@gillern Do you have the Studio beta enabled in the Studio settings - it looks like it’s not running the new importer?
When using the old importer it expects each joint/bone in Blender/Maya to have a matching Part - so by renaming to _Att it’s treating the joint as an attachment point, so not really fixing the error.

@AllYourBlox - is there an error list somewhere?

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Since you’re using an R15 compatible scheme with a Humanoid, check the Humanoid HipHeight.

You’re probably going to need to disable AutomaticScalingEnabled on the Humanoid and set the HipHeight appropriately. When used with a Humanoid the Animator will scale the LowerTorso displacement relative to the hip height.

This probably should be documented better, but I don’t think it is.


Changing the HipHeight property doesn’t seem to be changing anything for me except for changing how high the mesh floats off of the ground.


We plan to! The work required isn’t on the current schedule yet, but I hope to fix that soon. Still might take us until sometime next year with all the other important stuff we have planned.

First we have to add a RigidConstraint that works like a Weld, but rigidly joins two attachments. We think these would be a super useful in general. We’d need to support the Humanoid creating those to equip accessories instead of legacy Weld instances.

Second we need to finish Constraint support for Bones. Bones extend attachments and the plan was to make physics constraints use the final animated position of a Bone. Unfortunately it currently it uses the reference pose position of the Bones because doing the correct thing efficiently is a lot of work and we didn’t want to hold back skinned meshes just for this. This current behavior isn’t what we originally spec’d so we need to finish this either way.

Put those two together, add some Bones for the usual accessory attachments (like HatAttachment as a child of the Head), and you’d have accessory support for an R15 compatible “S1” (as we call this type of single-part configuration internally), with accessories.


This looks awesome! can’t wait to try this out.

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I had the exact same problem. The solution is to add another root bone and parent all the bones to it. Then just export that as well as the animations, and it should work.


Sounds awesome and Thank you! Now I have more stuff to look forward to in long term and keep me motivated :slight_smile:

What’s going on with the new character controller that was meant to replace humanoids? Will this be used with the new rigs in the future?


If we aren’t going to get the new character controller, will we at least get the new physics components like LinearVelocity and capsule colliders?

really cool update! I like the way you created this post!

@pa00 Thanks @ContextLost !
AutomaticScalingEnabled seems to be it.


Ok good!

Disabling that is going to be important if you don’t have legs. The Humanoid is going to start by measuring the length of your legs, see that it has no legs, and reset HipHeight to 0.


Great work with this! After only a few hours we were able to retrofit our existing avatar system over to the new skinned meshes. One thing we are wondering though is how long we should expect until we’ll be able to use this technology in live servers, as we would love to start getting community feedback on characters using it.

Obviously with projects as complicated as this there’s no set release date from studio beta, but any information you can supply us would certainly help.

Thanks! Keep up the good work!

i’ve asked an internal roblox admin and he said “Hopefully it will come out of the Studio Beta phase soon. Maybe 1-2 months from now.”

but that is a “maybe”


@RobieTheCat @ContextLost For some reason, this fix is not working for me on production Studio. No matter what I toggle AutomaticScalingEnabled to, I get no hip motion.
Maybe I am behind on a fix that hasn’t released yet? I’m on version 0.445.1.410643.


I republished the animation on the rig after turning off AutomaticScalingEnabled and that seems to have fixed it.


maybe a little bit dumb question but can I ask the release date of this feature?


Should come out this month. They said in rdc ill take a few weeks. And it says July-September in the road map. Roblox Creator Roadmap