Skinned MeshParts are live!

So skinned accessories need to be touching joints in order to move with the animation, this is going to be a problem for stuff like wings or floating accessories that won’t be touching the joints. How can I work around this?

Edit: Okay nevermind I was able to figure it out! Not too sure for blender users, but for Maya users you’re gonna want to Deform → Wrap the accessory and custom body.

Wrap options


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oh yeah, @RobieTheCat hey i have mentioned this before, but surface appearance dont work in view port frame. do you guys have a plan to make it work any time soon?

i’ve tryed a fps hands that i made the rig before and it had NormalMap,RoughnessMap and MetalnessMap textures but i could not use any of them cause view port frame dont support surface appearance.

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Ah, interesting. But it’d still require us to weight-paint every single asset and character. Since this is an existing game that’s quite a bit of development overhead to restructure everything at this point. Sounds like something that this kind of technology should be backwards compatible with, such as attaching an Attachment to a Bone to follow movement.

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i have 2 problems :
1- i tried S1_Lola, when i connect “with Motor6D” the “1 mesh part” body with the humanoidRootPart . it offsets from its position. it goes downward. it also happen when i connect ant part to the humanoidRootPart. how can i fix this

2- if i need to make customize cloth system. when run the animation the cloth not Move with the animation

and here is the project
skinnedMeshTest.rbxl (72.2 KB)

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I love this but how can I weld a par to a skinned mesh with animation?


Tagging here since the other thread is now locked.
Any update or estimation for when we might expect this feature, @ContextLost ?


For 1. Set the Humanoid hip height to 2.0.
For 2. The jacket is not showing any skin weights on the vertices. Can you post the .fbx file?
Also, you’ll need to rotate the Left/RightUpperShoulders down to +/- 15 degrees.


I’ve been having issues where my skinned mesh just disappears, usually if the roblox tab isn’t focused. Im uncertain if its an issue with my scripts, but I do use streamingenabled (skinned mesh is a local part) I can’t file a bug report, but im also not sure if its just my scripts, but at the same time they aren’t getting any errors.

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Mesh Deformation when Resizing (Shift+Mouse+ Scale) is broken. All Meshes are broken. I tested out with two Diffent Meshes and Both are glitched out.
Test Martian Before:

Test Martian After Rescale:

As You Can See the tentacles are messed up and the Lower jar of the Beak of the Martian.
Test 3 other Handler Machine Tentacles Before:

Test 3 other Handler Machine Tentacles After:

As You Can See The Tentacles are Zig-Zagged.
I tried in a diffent save and still got the same effect.


hey @RobieTheCat i have a sugestion, i got in a situation where i have made a character them i imported a custon hair for me to merge it with the character. i just imported the hair with the head bone so it come with the weight.

but after in studio i noticed that every time i add a motor6d to the hair it teleports the mesh to the roopart.

something that would be nice to have is some sort of way to rename weight from a mesh without needing to going back to the 3d software to rename the mesh weights them importing again and doing all the process for then see if works.

so yeah, something like a weight preview and rename in the mesh parts woud be nice to have.


@RobieTheCat Thanks for reply

1- it didn’t work with me… when i changed Humanoid hip height from 2.4 to 2 it made the feet under the floor… also didn’t solve the weld problem… i hope you check it again.

2- i really didn’t make any skin weights. i just weld it with motor6D … but it has weld problem as the body it goes downward . also not following the animation. also should i make skin weights as i didn’t make it before ?
“Also, you’ll need to rotate the Left/RightUpperShoulders down to +/- 15 degrees” yea i will make it but i was just testing

i need also to ask can i make cloth customization with (S1) or i will need to use (S15)

Is there any way of using emission on skinned MeshParts or generally any kind of mesh?

@RealDrepyPlayzMC Thanks for pointing this out. I will reach out to get an example test file, and log the issue.

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  1. If the feet are below the floor, increase the hip height. Changing this only affects the character’s height above the ground.
  2. Yes, you will need to make skin weights to get the jacket to skin to the body.
    Assuming the cloth customization is also skinned mesh, you can use either S1 or S15.
    It it’s rigid then you’d need to use S15, as there is not currently a way to attach rigid Parts to Bones.

is there or will there be any way to keep the “preserve volume” option with skinned meshes?

because currently this option doesnt seem to import into roblox.

also the r15 backwards compatibility of naming bones the same as parts seems pretty finicky at times not allowing any bones that are not going to be combined with a meshpart.
(its all or nothing if you want to combine the bones with the meshparts)

so this ends up requiring you to have a separate part for each bone otherwise it will have problems that are impossible to deal with.
(deformation not working properly breaking parts or/and bones getting completely deleted or broken upon import)

thankfully i found a workaround for this where i just mix the weights of bones though so for now that will do. it would be very nice if preserve volume imported to roblox because it helps solve alot of problems.


Is there plans to add support for blend files that have multiple animations? Like what I suggested in a prior reply?

Are there any plans to add clothing support for skinned meshes?

I have been trying to create a smoother R6 rig with one part but multiple bones for a replacement to R15 for animations without sacrificing additional expression, which it seems like I did pull it off perfectly by using rows of bones to warp the mesh, and then a Motor6D to rotate the entire part along the torso/HRP without warping taking place. But as I finally finished it, I noticed that clothing doesn’t seem to work with the mesh parts, and I cannot create prefabricated clothing as an actual texture as it would ruin the experience of my game, I’d like for players to still be able to use their accessories, gear, and clothing with my new rigs without having to sacrifice clothing from the catalog.

Because of this, I’ll have to put my rig on hold, but I’d love for clothing to be supported so I could use it again in the future.

Skinned MeshPart R6:

Standard R15 Hierarchy:



I’m currently working on a game and I plan on having deformable clothing, Currently I’m experimenting with hats but I remember awhile ago I had a import limit on my fbx models. If sometime in the future I have a ton of FBX assets I need to import for future clothing will I need to import all of that clothing inside the model in order for it to even be compatible with that character? Or is there a better way I can do this so I can have over 100+ clothing and no have to import it every time I import a clothing pack for an update?

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I’m having the same issue, I cannot change the size of any rigged mesh (have tried over 10 rigs) without the bones deforming. Has anyone found a work around for this or am I doing something wrong?


I noticed once you import it you should be able to resize it, If you rotate it any other direction it does tend to break it for some reason and scaling will end up breaking resulting in unwanted deformed bones.

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