Skinned MeshPart Studio Beta

Ah I see, so packages (like the one I’m using, the crimson claw package) will be cloned and updated with skinning data?

Are there any packages that will not be cloned, or is the eventual goal to get all of them cloned + updated?


If you move the head mesh, the sphere should move?
I think I realize where the layout of the imported MeshParts could be improved…
If these were rigid parts, you’d have ‘bottom’ under ‘head’.
Try re-parenting ‘bottom’ under head and changing the Motor under ‘bottom’ to reflect that.
And then use the AnimationEditor to move the parts, as you would before.

I have made a note to change the importer to do that re-parenting for you.


This is really cool and will really help out on people’s
future games. Is it now possible to create animated hair with this update?


Now this is an interesting update! I might of heard about this year but not 100% sure. Now, it’s finally come to ROBLOX!!! I’ve always been waiting for something like this! Very cool! :smiley:


How is this not what we’ve asked for? This is a very large step of the climb up Roblox’s mount Everest, and I think this is an incredible way to inch closer and catch up with other engines, since it’s the most realistic of course; and by that I mean that the current Roblox characters aren’t anything like the characters from other engines.

But on the other hand, I guess there is the argument you could say that this plan with these newer characters doesn’t exactly follow the ideal image of when you think of “Roblox.” I mean seriously, most of us imagine Roblox as one of those old 2014 Roblox Advertisement posters with the old R6 Blocky characters.


I’m glad this is finally coming out! I had a question that went unanswered in the last thread, and I’m hoping you can take a look at it and tell me if this is a bug or just my lack of knowledge in doing these things. I tried doing the same procedure with this new studio beta and got the same results (or well, even worse results actually since the mesh distorted but I’ll assume it’s one of the known issues)


Is there a reason that the texture fidelity is so much better on the Skinned MeshPart variant?

Logically, the split version should be higher resolution because each part could have a maximum resolution texture- but this doesn’t appear to be the case.

Is the max texture for Skinned Meshes greater than 1024px x 1024px? Or is this just a matter of ‘oh we happened to retexture it and forgot to say so’.


got this working with a rig i made a few months ago, pretty cool :slight_smile:


Sorry, this is a little unclear to me, what am I reparenting where and how am I changing the motor to reflect it? Also it appears I either can’t find, or don’t have the option to bend bones in the animation editor, I’m just using the rotate tool in Studio to experiment.

To clarify what I expect to happen, when I bend the top half of the cylinder, I expect the sphere to follow the bend. I’m starting to think this behavior is expected though; the body’s motor6D is parented to the cylinder meshpart and moves only with respect to its origin, not the tip of the top bone.

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So cool! I can’t wait to work with games using this!


I’m SUPER Exicted for this! i can’t wait to see all the immersive games with this feature!

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If I try resizing a “custom” rig that’s been imported, everything seems to get distorted.

Before resize:

After resize:



This has been the number one thing I’ve been looking forward to on Roblox for years. I’m going crazy thinking of all the possibilities mesh deformation brings. Roblox is going to look completely different, and I’m ready for it!

Thank you so much for working on this. Mesh deformation is going to be incredible


Happens to me as well lol
Original scale:

After resize:


@BixbyAlan Well spotted.
@AllYourBlox may know the answer. I believe he did some work to improve the textures on the model on the left.


@KFCPhoeyu This is an example of the 2nd issue on the known issues list.

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@PeZsmistic The key is to get the parenting as if everything was rigid:
|- bottom
__|- head

That way you can move the Parts in the AnimationEditor and the descendants follow.

After changing the parenting, the Motors need to be changed to show the new parenting. eg. the Motor under ‘head’ connects ‘head’ to ‘bottom’.

One way to approach this is to set it up as if it were rigid. Just two Parts: the Cyclinder and Sphere.
Once that is working you can add the ‘top’ Bone under the Sphere, and switch the meshIds to be the skinned versions.

[updated: actually, while the Workspace parenting might make it look clearer at a glance what is affecting what - it’s the motor connections that actually control the motion and that need to be organized to match the hierarchy from the authoring package (Blender in this case) ]


I don’t know about you, but I’ve been waiting for this for quite some time. This is certainly what many have been asking for.


Yeah, there are a lot of variants of this particular avatar that we used throughout testing and development of the feature, to test both player avatar and NPC use cases. The rigid model on the right is one that was imported as a standard catalog avatar, and the textures have been reduced by the Humanoid avatar texture compositor. The texture compositor is what scales the UVs on the body parts, and bakes all the character textures (head, arms, torso, legs, shirt, pants, t-shirt, hair, face, accessories, skin tone, etc.) into a single bitmap, for performance reasons (so the character is a single draw call).

The skinned mesh version on the left is not using the Humanoid texture compositor, you’re seeing the native UV mapping scale and full resolution of the textures. The 4 actual Texture IDs on the MeshParts are the same. As for why there is no compositing in this specific example, it could be a screenshot from before we got the compositor working on the skinned mesh parts, or the character might not have standard part names, or she might be one of the NPC test models we imported through the Custom option, in which case she’d have an AnimationController, not a Humanoid, therefore no player avatar compositing.

So what you see on the left is possible to do when making a custom NPC–even one that is compatible with R15 animations–but it is higher resolution than is currently supported for standard player avatars. It’s not advisable to bypass compositing for all player avatars in a game, because graphics memory usage will be considerably higher, possibly causing out of memory crashes on lower-end devices. But for something like a special one-off NPC, this level of detail (and better) is possible.


Don’t know where you were but a lot of developers here are very excited for this feature. Not every update will be something you want as there are other people that wanted this.