Skinned MeshPart Studio Beta

Any date on when this comes back as a beta feature again? I’m really excited and I’ve animated with skinned models in preparation for this.


This is actually a pretty cool feature, although most people will hate it because they liked roblox for the blocky characters, I know that this can also be used on other meshes. Overall it’s pretty cool.


Why release it in the first place if it was in a state where it’d have to be taken down? This is starting to become annoying.


i actualy preffer to use anthro or this than use roblox blocky character in my games.


Take my word with a grain of salt. There might have been technical reasons as to why the feature was temporarily disabled. I can’t say for sure, however there did seem to be an increase in corrupted places when the beta feature rolled out. Either way, the community has been waiting for skinned meshes for a long time, so it shouldn’t be too long before it returns.


I have been thinking about this for along time, it might also let developers create single-player offline games. Maybe you could add a feature request? But you are right, if it does end up coming to Roblox it won’t be for a while.

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There is one already → Downloadable Roblox games

The main thing people are worrying about is the easiness of stealing downloadable games (you could just copy paste the files).

What is version 3.01? I saw this come up a few weeks ago but couldn’t find any changes to the format.

My first attempt messing with this feature has gone great so far lol.


I sense copyright infringement.

Care to say which magical whymsical flag you toggled to re-enable the feature? :eyes:


I think you just need to download the old version where you have to enable all those flags.

How do I use this? I cant find it (I dont know if it was removed or something)

It got temporarily suspended like stated below.


Its just an experiment and not something I intend to use in a commercial game lol.


are we collectively ready as a community for this kind of power


i like how the video’s name is just s t r e t c h . m p 4

this is going to be the best update ever


I saw a lot of people having trouble with beginners. Why are there difficulties? Because first, what is the name of the app that I need when trying to make a model? How do I specify it? The beginners and younger siblings people. Please explain easily

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I am currently running an older version of Avatar Evolution with Skinned Mesh enabled and created some FPS animations for a game with this as outcome.

One mesh, no separation and one weapon mesh.

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you’ve been freed, do you know hard it is to lead?(wait this isn’t hamilton)
Not sure if that’s of any help, but Skinned MeshParts were part of the Avatar Evolution Build: Introducing the "Avatar Evolution" Studio Beta Build! & Avatar Evolution | Building the future of Roblox avatars and more!


Are there any news on when this update will be re-enabled? I have a game which the development of is dependent on this feature.