Small & Invisible Avatars Wreaking Havoc on Games

You could easily make it a togglable setting? Arsenal has it, And it doesn’t ruin the game.

As long as Roblox fails to offer effective solutions for this issue, I am not aware of any better alternatives at the moment. Imposing standardized character models would undermine the essence of individualism, and as previously mentioned, this approach would not address the problem of UGC items distorting character proportions. Personally, I would lose interest in playing Jailbreak if character uniformity became the norm.

To clarify, the highlight feature I referred to should only activate in PvP situations, such as when a cop is within direct line of sight or after being shot by one. This setting, ideally as a toggle, should exclusively function for the opposing team members and only for those within the player’s visual range. Recasting could be used to determine whether the player is legitimately able to see the others.

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I’m not sure if you saw my earlier reply:

They are addressing it as we speak

The issue at hand isn’t the hitbox itself, as hitboxes should ideally maintain consistent dimensions across the board. The real challenge lies in the difficulty of visually tracking players whose hitboxes are effectively invisible. If players had a transparent outline around a normally sized avatar, it would be subtle enough not to disrupt gameplay. However, when applied to smaller avatars, it would act as a form of aim assist, giving players a fair advantage in pvp-

Additionally, while it’s true that many user-generated content items should be banned—and this is certainly Roblox’s responsibility—players can still create smaller avatars using legitimate means. For instance, by combining the Headless Horseman head, Korblox legs, and the Jester Equinox, all items officially created by Roblox, players can achieve the same problematic result. Speaking from experience, having encountered such combinations in games like Jailbreak, I can attest that it makes fair PvP encounters nearly impossible.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-09-26 um 19.35.38
EDIT: comparison to an official Roblox combination vs a normal character

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Another challenge with Jailbreak is that it isn’t solely focused on shooting mechanics. Games like Arsenal and Bad Business, for instance, rely on standardized character models precisely to avoid issues with hitboxes and gameplay fairness. Jailbreak, on the other hand, offers a more diverse, simulator-style experience that includes trading, driving cars, and even building houses. This broader gameplay focus, while offering more variety, complicates the balance when it comes to player models, as shooting is just one aspect of the game rather than its central feature.

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Best way to deal with it is to the developers of jailbreak to create custom characters that the players will play with instead of their default avatars.

No, the best way to deal with it is for Roblox to fix the root issue rather than applying a one-game fix that won’t account for all the other games affected by the same issue. Asimo already mentioned devs shouldn’t have to deal with this stuff in the first place; it’s a time-consuming and redundant task

In my view, Roblox should not have opened the UGC program to the general public. The platform functioned far more effectively when content creation was limited to verified UGC creators, ensuring a higher standard of quality and control. A solution I would advocate for is creating a clear distinction between the official UGC items released prior to this update and the newer items produced after the program became accessible to all users.

This would allow developers to restrict or “ban” newer, unverified UGC items within their games, while Roblox takes the time to thoroughly review and verify each newly submitted item for potential loopholes and violations. By gradually addressing these issues, Roblox could maintain content quality without placing the burden of moderation on developers. The responsibility for ensuring the integrity of UGC content should ultimately rest with Roblox, not individual game creators.

EDIT: verificative that by just joining voice chat games. There are TONS of inappropriate, glitched, discriminating avatars

That is wrong.

Just because ROBLOX devs are getting a free premade player character controller that doesnt mean they should not create custom characters.

However if you really want ROBLOX to fix it they should either

  1. disable auto character load and remove the free player character so it will allow devs to create their own character controller by default.

  2. Remove most of UGC creators and allow only a small, creative, loyal UGC creator whose going to create better quality, normal sized accesories and packages

While I appreciate your perspective on the role of this, your suggestions may be quite limiting and counterproductive…

Firstly, disabling the auto character load and removing the free player character would restrict developers’ options rather than enhance them. The availability of a standard character controller provides a baseline for developers to build upon. Instead of enforcing a one-size-fits-all approach, it would be more beneficial for Roblox to provide robust tools that enable developers to customize their characters while still allowing the flexibility of a default option.

Secondly, your proposal to significantly reduce the number of UGC creators contradicts the very essence of user-generated content. Limiting access to only a select few creators risks stifling innovation and diversity within the community. The beauty of UGC lies in its variety; while quality control is important, a larger pool of creators can lead to a broader spectrum of creative ideas and unique items.

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Yeah, diversity with tons of inapropriate and copyrighted items which will be eventually deleted and people will be sad for their items being deleted

Your argument about inappropriate and copyrighted items sounds more like a weak excuse than a legitimate concern. Are you seriously suggesting we limit creativity just because a few people can’t follow basic rules? That’s ridiculous.

Roblox needs to get its act together with moderation instead of coddling the few who make poor choices. If someone is upset about their items getting deleted, maybe they should take a hard look in the mirror and realize they made a mistake. It’s not Roblox’s job to protect everyone from the consequences of their own actions.

Cutting down on UGC creators isn’t the answer; We need a diverse community, not a playground for a select few who are too scared to deal with a little oversight. Your solution sounds like a desperate attempt to play gatekeeper instead of fostering real creativity.

enough said, I’m gonna cut the conversation here

Dude, what “craetivity” no creativity when 95% are copyrighted and not working in game.

The “Creativity” will come when the mass low quality copy accesories will vanish and expose the good quality Creative accesories.

That 95% of UGC items are copyrighted and ineffective is an exaggerated claim… Assuming that limiting creators will enhance the quality of accessories is misguided; creativity thrives when more voices contribute to the platform.
We were originally discussing UGC items that break avatars, not simply critiquing the quality of all user-generated content. A better understanding of the issues at hand would be more helpful…

Never-mind, all the suggestions I had, were already said, lol.