SmartBone 2 - Simulated Physics and Collision solution for Bones


Wanted to look into this for skinned mesh ragdolls. Since they need to collide with the entire world (also terrain) I don’t see it working though. Do you think there’s any way to support that?
It’ll probably be too taxing on performance.

Hello. This is really cool! It’s been super useful for a project i’ve been working on. I’m just wondering if I could suggest a feature. Would it be possible to add support for multiple primary bones. For example, a flimsy hose hose can move around and bounce while connected to something on both sides.

Could you reproduce this in a separate place file and send me it via devforum dms?

You can use smartwelds for this

with the newest 3.0 version, a bug started appearing for me, it happens randomly and only after a good time inside the game (only managed to find it twice where i ran the studio test for over 30 minutes by accident)

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in the world i sent you for the previous test it happens, im just using a different skirt, which i can also send you if you need

why does it behave like that? Watch TSL TESTING - Roblox Studio 2024-02-23 00-43-49 | Streamable

I’ve been getting this warning with huge amounts of lag:

other than that this module is amazing

Been trying to make a cape, but can’t get the Axis Limits to work at all. Documentation doesn’t really explain how the number range works. Anyone able to help?

If you use the runtime debug menu it provides some helpful gizmos on what the axis limits are, simply enable “Draw Axis Limits” then go down to a bone in the bone tree, press edit and you can change the axis limits there

Just tried this, but unsure how they actually work with the negative and positive values, would it be better to use collisions on a cape?

Just think of them as infinite sized planes relative to the root part

Could you try reproduce this in a seperate place and send me it via devforum dms?

Hello, I have been trying to make the module work for meshParts, everything what I have tried did not work.
Any ideas?

The asset I have been testing on:

Adding bones into meshparts will not attach them to geometry.

See this for how to skin the mesh: Skinning a Simple Mesh | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

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Hey man, im getting a constant warning, im basically putting attributes in the meshpart, and the rootpart has the bones parented to it, but its not accesing the rootpart for it’s bones.

Could you define on this? I tried doing this in the post above and its not working.

It looks in the rootpart for the bones, its attempting to find bones under the two meshes which arent there. Just put the attributes on the object called “RootPart”

I modded smartbone to have some features that I used in my game and I want to share it. :smiley: (I wish these feature will be add officially in the future.)

SmartBone (MODDED).rbxm (146.4 KB)

Added features :

  • Auto add RootAttribute (If missing)
  • Stop Smartbone


local SmartBone = require(SMARTBONE_MODULE)
local RunningSmartBone

function StartSmartBone()
	if RunningSmartBone == nil then
		RunningSmartBone = SmartBone.Start()

function StopSmartBone()
	if RunningSmartBone ~= nil then
		RunningSmartBone = nil

P.S. My code is very unoptimized and I’m so sorry If my code is hard to read XD

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