SmartBone 2 - Simulated Physics and Collision solution for Bones

Just replace the old SmartBone module with the new one.

SmartBone2-v0.1.0.rbxm (132.6 KB)

Everything is backwards compatible

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I wasn’t able to fix that bug in this release, I’ll look into it further in the next.

was trying to change from smartbone 1 for smartbone 2, and i noticed some stuff bugs for me, i tried making a simple model to test, and on smart bone 1 it would work, but on smartbone 2 it will only disappear when i get close to it, any idea on what i did wrong?

(Smartbone 1)
(The Model)

Edit: I Do Believe all my roots are being set to “NaN” any clue on whats uup?

This is a known bug I’m still trying to figure out the cause

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amazing ima have to check this out

This resource is freaking epic, thank you for making this for the community for free, Seriously it is such an innovation for roblox games. Man I can think of so many use cases for this, we can finally have fish from TF2 to hit people in roblox.


Great to know that it’s finally out!! I’ll definitely use it in the horror game I’m making!


In my game, I was using SmartBone 1, and when I transferred over to SmartBone 2. the puff on the santa hat clipped into the rest of the hat, and I don’t know why. Any fixes?

What smartbone 2 version are you using?

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Fixed a bug where the runtime wouldnt run intime to catch the :SendMessage call
Fixed a bug where bones would go to NaN
Changed to how gizmos are rendered (Now only if you are in studio and have the debug attribute)
Release on wally found here


Just to let you know, the cloning glitch still happens. Have you figured out any idea or what has caused it?

Hm, could you provide a repro file?

How can i run it server side??

You would have to write your own runtime

Can we expect performance improvements soon?

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I’ve tried rigging a dress 5 different ways, but the new features don’t really work

It still seems to be clipping through, despite having added a SmartCollider tag to every bodypart. :sad:

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Try increasing the bones radius

I’ve tried. I also got both of the plugins to try and set the collider hitboxes manually, but to no avail. Is there anything I can do?

Could you add the debug attribute then tick:

Draw Internal Bone
Draw Colliders
Draw Fill Colliders
Draw Contacts

and then send a screenshot