SmartBone 2 - Simulated Physics and Collision solution for Bones

The skirt go slide around the leg how do I fix? :disappointed_relieved:

What constraint type are you using?

I use Spring :smiley: oh um at least 3-0 characters

Try distance, see how that looks

I noticed that the colliders seem to be glitching when I am standing still, and moving. The bones are also acting like a rope being moved left and right.

The colliders are fine, its just an optimization where it skips a transform for a bone if its outside a certain radius, I think I know what the problem is though. It seems that when the collisions fail its because the leg goes between the bones, so you could either add more bones, increase the radius of the bones or increase the radius of the collider on the leg. I’d also recommend staying on spring constraint for this

Try also increasing the bone radius a bit more or increasing the radius of the collider on the legs

I’ve doubled the amount of bones, and some of the bones still manage to get through the legs. Is it realistically possible to do this? No matter how many bones there are, they’ll still have the same problem cause they’re all a straight line. :sad:

Have you increased the radius of the collider?

I have. They’re pretty big compared to the objects actual hitbox. Although I’m having a weird problem. The colliders aren’t showing up anymore and I have no idea why?

I’ll have that done soon, im currently doing other things.

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Hm, go back to spring increase the bone radius and increase collider radius

I think the issue is there no constraint between each loop of skirt (It go through in space between bone). But I’ll try that.

Look like it just slide down, How can I add constraint manaully? (Sorry for music)
.2023-12-09 21-29-29

I changed renderstepped to heartbeat and it doesnt work, what do i need to do?

try have the bones go horizontal instead of vertical, this is more a limitation of smartbone and this might be able to fix it

Oh!! I get it but which bone that I should set be the root bone?

I changed code a little bit but it’s working some how XD.

Call the module from server side script by

require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("SmartBone(For Server Side)")).Start()

SmartBone(For Server Side).rbxm (132.4 KB)


Just set it as you normally would, the bone thats directly under the root part