Snap - An advanced grid placement class v1.2

But the demo place’s source can be copied though?

Well I just made it public I don’t know if that effected it’s source to be copied or not, but it is public now



The issue is that the server script doesnt set the owner of the plot and the output just yields “Claim a plot first” and doesnt show the grid because the player isn’t set as the owner. This is the exact code from the demo place.


manual fixes until OP pulls them:

locate boundingbox part and set anchored true, transparency .5, cancollide false

go into buildingdata modulescript, replace the indexes with the names of the BuildingPieces models in workspace folder so:

local module = {

   ["Guest"] = {
      Dimensions = {}

   ["Noob"] = {
      Dimensions = {}


return module

this should fix any issues and will start the place (as long as datastore service is allowed)