Snow CaveIn Effect

Hello developers, I was scrolling through dev forum recently and I saw this post:

where they made an Cave in and deformation when player walks on a plane

this is the test game and this is how it looks like

does anyone know how to achieve this effect

It’s basically just a plane in blender with a bunch of loop cuts (a grid of vertices connected by faces) with bones. This is called a skinned mesh and can be imported as an FBX into roblox, you can then move the vertices separately using the bones in studio. And in my script, all I do is check the distance from each and every vertex (very slow with many vertices) in the skinned mesh to the player, and if that distance goes under a threshold then the vertex (Bone) is tweened down. It is very simple, but very inefficient and slow. This is why I haven’t open sourced it. It is just way too imperformant to use in an actual game.

This can though be much more optimized using EditableMeshes, and it may even make them stable enough to use in games.

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Thank you for explaining me this! I was just watching some YouTube one day and came across this effect.

This isn’t a cave-in effect.
It’s snow deformation, leading to results like footsteps and tire tracks.

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