Sober - x86-64 Roblox build without Hyperion, run Roblox on Linux natively with up to twice the performance of native Windows!

That doesn’t mean you should pirate windows, If you need to use windows buy a license or a computer shipped with it. If you don’t want to pay for one just because you don’t like what Microsoft is doing. Then use a different Operating System like Apples OS.

I know Linux isn’t officially supported and that sucks because I personally use it, but it’s just how the way things are.

This is just the android version of Roblox, which doesn’t have the anticheat. There isn’t anything possible on Sober that couldn’t also be done on mobile. Either way Sober actually does check to make sure the APK used to run Sober is authentic and not injected with any kind of cheats.


I hope that Roblox suspends releasing it’s x86-64 apk so that sober gets patched , peace

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i would stick to windows 10 with a linux vm till support ends

This is very nice, but I have problem, after I installed Sober using the website’s command and when I tried to run Sober… nothing happened. Even when i tried the terminal, no logs appeared, no errors. Did this happen to anyone?

Congratulations, you have just gotten all your accounts logged.

Just kidding, I am not affiliated with the creator of Sober. You can join their Discord server for support: VinegarHQ 💛


Without Hyperion this is getting banned soon.

easy peasy ported libhybris & skidded libjnivm ez detection… Now they said all string xor’d to protect from “skids reversing” (quoted from the dev)

Wouldn’t trust software from people who ban you from the server when you ask why are the strings xor’d


Steam officially supports all versions of macOS from 10.15 to 14 so yeah…


sober really be sobering

thanks for the development of this! i thought RoL would take a really long time to come back, and so was i wrong.


Will using Sober get you banned? Seems like a very cool project.

Probably not.

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imagine roblox breaks this cuz “uhh muhh linux users hackkurzz uhh no more linuxx guyz” - Roblox Anti-Cheat Team

Quick question though, I’ve been waiting off to get Wine, and now that It’s blocked, i’m obviously interested in stuff like this. So, if I were to get something like Sober, would Roblox think I’m hacking or something?

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It’s probably just gonna think you’re a really high performance phone with a keyboard and mouse.

No, it sees no difference. BitDancer has said they will not block it but nobody’s testing it so it may unintentionally break at some point. Thankfully literally the entire coregui mostly just relies on the UIS to detect if a cursor/mouse is being used so everything works fine.

This works great and I haven’t had any problems. But, there is one thing I wish I could do which might(?) be possible? I wish I could change fflags so I can unlock my fps. It would help me compare the performance differences between windows and linux.

The photo with those grippers out feels a little unnecessary (i had a visceral reaction)

This is really awesome and impressive too! But I’m wondering if exploiters can take advantage of this build?

They can but it was not going to change anything anyways, It is extremely easy to hack on mobile