Sober - x86-64 Roblox build without Hyperion, run Roblox on Linux natively with up to twice the performance of native Windows!

Thank you for making this, as Roblox on Linux has been something that I’ve wanted for quite some time and is what holds me back from using Linux on my main computer.

Now I can play Roblox on my Laptop aswell, which previously couldn’t open Word, let alone play Roblox at lowest quality, before I’d get about 10fps at lowest, on Linux its 60fps at mid quality.

someone else sent some earlier up but their post got deleted so i’m not gona risk it

why? this whole thread is about using something that breaks roblox tos.

These statistics are quite skewed, there is absolutely no way people are only gaming on Steam on OS X on macOS 14 only.

There’s the possibility that it got deleted by the person who posted it for a reason. Ultimately, your choice whether to risk it or not, but I wouldn’t take what one person said as absolute proof and start saying it’s a virus, more less a deleted post. It’s baseless claims with no real substance, unless you have something to back up what you’re saying other than a post that got deleted, well, good for you.

These statistics are collected in a opt-in basis, which would mean most if not all stats are a underestimate.
Latest macOS is 14 and Steam probably do not support the previous major release but I can’t find any other details other than this: Steam Support :: Steam macOS 10.13 and 10.14 Support

says the web developer who’s never seen _xorstr() and never touched a single assembly line. “It’s a baseless claim with no substance” , this kind of work has already be done for other games like Minecraft Pocket Edition and the people behind it made it open source. And even this shady program uses the same idea , so why not make it open source ? since there’s no anticheat , then you have no reasons to hide It … That says a lot about it.

They didn’t invent a new method, they just want to keep it closed source to RAT as many people as they can, period

For anyone who’s wondering how to make this kind of stuff , just get libjnivm and mcpelinux-linker on github. create your JNI Env and dlopen the and patch all the required functions by Roblox and have it render on your custom SDL3 backend with eGL and you’re done . you would also need to patch some structs in the .so but it shouldn’t hard and is a matter of editing the soinfo struct

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i saw your old reply they may have used xor to Obfuscate the strings so it becomes harder to know that its a virus (maybe)

You should add some safeguards like your own byfron, this makes its so much easier to cheat now that byfron dosen’t exist on this

I don’t believe my role as a web developer has any significant relevance in your comment; you’re making assumptions based on the little information you have about me. Why exactly?

And I have touched assembly before; it may not be to the same degree as others, but I have touched it nonetheless, but that’s not what I’m focusing on. Do you have any significant evidence to back up your claim, though? The most I got is “it’s encrypted, so it’s a virus.” and what you said, “this kind of work has already been done for other games” with that in mind, it doesn’t mean everything that is encrypted is malicious.

So, my role and my knowledge have no relevance in your comment; I’m asking for evidence that’s not just the fact that it’s encrypted.

Okay give me evidence that it’s safe ?

How can I give evidence for something that I haven’t used? you seem to have used it based on what you’re saying, so I’m asking you, specifically.

then how can you say that what I’m saying is wrong when you didn’t even give a single attempt at using it and/or disassembling sober ?

I don’t believe I ever stated it was wrong, I asked for evidence. Most I have said is simply that it’s baseless claims, not that it’s wrong.

I still haven’t gotten any evidence, so I assume what I said is correct?

:nerd: okay man, I think that it being closed source is enough evidence

I suppose the majority of programs are suddenly malicious and/or a Rat, who would’ve thought.

exactly, you finally start to understand how to world works !

I’ve always loved the previous attempts at making Roblox playable on Linux using Vinegar and Grapejuice.

And it’s amazing seeing how android is the backbone of this (aka) no more needing to face issues regarding vine and stuff.

Thumbs up for this amazing resource. :+1:

Although certainly experimental, I have been using Sober throughout the past few days and it has worked. Although multiple annoying bugs have been introduced since Sober’s release, making Roblox pretty cumbersome to play at times, the developers are doing their best to fix these and overall I’d say Sober is a pretty cool project.

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