I already use Topbar and it create a bugs where both icons are mixed.
Unfortunately, I’m not entirely sure if theres a way around this without requiring developers (meaning you) to edit the code yourselves. I’m open to suggestions if you have any though!
I think its because SocialChat comes with the Topbar+ module, and you are using a seperate Topbar+ module. I belive they fixed it in the newer version of Topbar+, though.
This is a very nice, great work. I’m super impressed by both the API you’ve created and the documentation for it. Looking forward to trying this out in some upcoming projects.
This is cool and all, but with too much rainbow and color for the text, it makes it kind of distracting for some players, and not very many people use custom made chat systems, they can just use Roblox’s default bubble chat system.
Rainbow Chat Tags are entirely optional! People who use SocialChat have complete control over what chat tags they use
They absolutely can! However, I’m still providing this service on the behalf of those who just want something to “spice-up” their games.
For anyone curious about any upcomming updates:
Social Chat is currently on hiatus until further notice. I am currently backed up on work, but I do still plan on updating the resource!
Version 2 will include new features such as…
- Autofilling (eg. /e [wave, dance1, dance2, etc.])
- Highlighted usernames (eg. @Cosmental would be highlighted in chat
- Chat Channels
- More API support (eg. preventing a message from being sent for admin command usage)
- Mobile Support (SocialChat is already supported on Mobile but it is fairly buggy)
- Official GitHub documentation & Video Tutorial
- Emoji Dictionary for PC players
- Chat Themes and the ability to adjust various UI elements found within the system
- Animated Chat Bubbles that allow someone to know when a player is typing a message
- Custom Tag Icons (eg. [] [DEVELOPER]: Username)
You may wanna update your example place (chat does not load or this might be a bug with the entire thing not sure exactly)
Oops! This should be fixed in newer servers
Thanks for your report!
Update as of 12/6/2022:
I apologize for the lack of updates on the resource I’ve been backed up on work, however, I still plan on working on this resource as soon as possible! I’m posting this message in hopes of potentially gathering more feedback for the chat system if anything or to see if there are any requests from the public that you guys would like to see come to life with the chat system!
You can see a list of planned updates here if you havent already!
This chat system is really fantastic. It makes chatting in game very engaging!
Although, I have a question I need answered. I was trying to test out the CreateChatMessage thing and It wont appear for whatever reason, and I was curious if maybe you would know why? I’m not getting any errors or anything
This is in a LocalScript inside of the Workspace.
local SocialChat = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.SocialChat);
"Did you know that John Shedletsky hid his chicken stashes all around Robloxia?",
["MessageColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255),
["SpeakerColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
Do you have any console errors?
I’m not getting any errors related to this script in particular.
However I do have one error from the Chat system. Don’t know if that will help or not:
Please send your TagData module. That module should have a SERVER tag by default, otherwise the system will break.
Other than that, your code seems to work perfectly fine!
That did indeed fix the error I was getting, Thanks for that!
Although for me the “TEST” message still refuses to appear. I even tried the exact same script inside of the uncopylocked test place and it didn’t work. Dunno what I’m doing wrong.
Can you show me your Tags module? Also, are you getting any new errors?
Nope, no new errors.
Here’s my Tags module though:
return {
["Creator"] = {
["Requirements"] = {
["UserIds"] = {109896808},
["GroupId"] = 0,
["AcceptedRanks"] = {0},
["TagData"] = {
["TagName"] = "Creator",
["TagColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(105,0,255),
["SpeakerColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(115, 92, 190),
["MessageColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(224, 171, 255),
["BubbleTextColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(105,0,255)
["Priority"] = 777,
["Developer"] = {
["Requirements"] = {
["UserIds"] = {94638252},
["GroupId"] = 0,
["AcceptedRanks"] = {0},
["TagData"] = {
["TagName"] = "Developer",
["TagColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(20,20,255),
--["SpeakerColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(115, 92, 190),
--["MessageColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(224, 171, 255),
["BubbleTextColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(125, 160, 255)
["Priority"] = 333,
["Clown"] = {
["Requirements"] = {
["UserIds"] = {271075513},
["GroupId"] = 0,
["AcceptedRanks"] = {0},
["TagData"] = {
["TagName"] = "🤡",
--["TagColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(20,20,255),
["SpeakerColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 221, 85),
--["MessageColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(224, 171, 255),
["BubbleTextColor"] = "Rainbow"
["Priority"] = 20,
["Admin"] = {
["Requirements"] = {
["UserIds"] = {577882346,272200261,99845985,39563231,102048271,509076976},
["GroupId"] = 0,
["AcceptedRanks"] = {0},
["TagData"] = {
["TagName"] = "Admin",
["TagColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(0,120,255),
["SpeakerColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(155, 215, 255),
--["MessageColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(224, 171, 255),
--["BubbleTextColor"] = "Rainbow"
["Priority"] = 19,
["Optimum"] = {
["Requirements"] = {
["UserIds"] = {261907256,305040249,39819099},
["GroupId"] = 0,
["AcceptedRanks"] = {0},
["TagData"] = {
["TagName"] = "Special",
["TagColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(80,80,140),
--["SpeakerColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(155, 215, 255),
--["MessageColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(224, 171, 255),
--["BubbleTextColor"] = "Rainbow"
["Priority"] = 18,
["SERVER"] = {
["Requirements"] = {
["UserIds"] = {},
["GroupId"] = 0,
["AcceptedRanks"] = {0},
["TagData"] = {
["TagName"] = "SERVER",
["TagColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0),
--["SpeakerColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(155, 215, 255),
--["MessageColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(224, 171, 255),
--["BubbleTextColor"] = "Rainbow"
["Priority"] = 17,
I dont see any issues with the TagData. Not sure why your Text isnt showing up
What does your LocalScript look like now?
If you aren’t able to figure it out that’s alright, It’s probably something small that I messed up somehow.
Here’s the local script:
local SocialChat = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.SocialChat);
"Did you know that John Shedletsky hid his chicken stashes all around Robloxia?",
["MessageColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255),
["SpeakerColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
Everything seems fine! Are you using the same method in another script? Is there something that could be yielding your LocalScript?