Socialization, friends, and their limits - Various texts and tips

Shoutout to @Cinema_Sin and @Scripter_123 for discussing their feelings toward socialization with me.
cc @canadiansir

Socialization is indispensable in the gaming industry: an undeniable fact. Through opinions and systematic approaches, this editorial will provide insightful texts and tips about socialization regardless of game genre. Individuals were interviewed regarding their opinions on socialization, friends, and their limits to enhance the contents of this editorial.

Basically, my socialization as a child didn’t come from any schooling; it came from being in theater and meeting people online.

— Felicia Day

:grey_exclamation: “Consumers” refers to “players” throughout this article

To define socialization appropriately - socialization is the process of actively interacting with human surroundings. Such a process is widely commenced by the many humans inhabiting this planet. With the advancements this generation has offered, socialization is often fulfilled through online talk and play. An accurate demonstration is Roblox: a game vastly played by children and young adults. Lately, it’s been rumored that socialization is concurrently becoming more difficult to engage in on Roblox. With such claims, it’s reasonable to identify ways of conveniently socializing from a consumer and game developer perspective.

It’s pretty clear Roblox is trying to push aside it’s social aspect, and just focus on games, development, and sponsors.

— @cinderwth, Upcoming changes to the Public Roblox Forum

Developer Perspective - Implementing Socialization Techniques

Many believe socialization enhances game experience, but what are various ways that socialization can be incorporated? Firstly, the ol’ customary default Roblox chat gets the job complete. The advantages are clear: it can be accessed throughout the whole server, regardless of location (both in real life and in game). This chat could be considered as global or universal due to its accessibility, which is generally something developers seek. Consumers of Roblox wouldn’t appreciate being restricted from global texting, as they wouldn’t be able to conveniently communicate with those distant from them.

The native chat system is an excellent tool but unfortunately due to the excessive filters, it is sometimes, very inefficient and annoying.

— @Scripter_123, Discord

Few occasionally consider implementing both a global chat and a private chat. This is objectively a complicated alternative, and destroys that feeling of global accessibility. A chat that only whitelisted members can access is what’s being described. However, the native Roblox chat does have some accommodation for private chatting. The /w {username} / /whisper {username} generally fulfill all potential use cases. On a personal note, consuming time to develop a custom chat system is usually a waste of time. Don’t be underwhelmed if you’ve made it through this checkpoint: socialization is a much larger debate.

:grey_exclamation: Utilizing one singular global chat is undemanding in contrast to multiple private chats

Influencing global activity has notable advantages. Consumers often feel equal when similar or identical rights are provided unanimously. Limiting a game to only one global chat rather than multiple private chats relieves players. Such a privilege satisfies the consumer and reduces plausible tensions and unwanted dialogues. Additionally, complications are practically invisible. Globalizing a game is, more often then not, a strong move that unifies the game. Game developers usually feel adequate when tensions are minimized, and players are content that they are equal to all peers. If this point is taken at face view, players will consequently enjoy the targeted game more. Yes, the emphasis is necessary.

:grey_exclamation: Globalizing a game is an effective concept

User experience should maintain a satisfactory level throughout the server. As a demonstration: there is a singular, gigantic map. Consumers will occasionally meet together, but wholeheartedly feel lonely and bored due to lack of socialization and general activity. When @Cinema_Sin and @Scripter_123 were asked if user experience should be adequate regardless of in-game location, they both expectedly agreed. When asked about how positive user experience could be maintained, insightful dialogues were provided:

They [players within the same map] can have a good experience if they both can talk together in the chat and also meet each other periodically.

— @Scripter_123, Discord

When asked, “Does chat work [when two players are distant within the same map?]”

Yes, it serves its intended purpose.

— @Cinema_Sin, Discord

:grey_exclamation: Maintaining an adequate user experience level throughout a server or map is beneficial, regardless of player distance

There are various ways to ensure consumers acquire a positive gaming experience. @Scripter_123 believes that positive experiences can be maintained if two distant players have unlimited access to a global chat. The impact of an unlimited chat should be visible at this checkpoint. Chat unifies several players within a gaping map, by permitting communication no matter what the plausible circumstance may be. Previously, the benefits of globalizing a game were announced. Unifying a game heavily relates to globalizing a game; the two are partially interdependent. Utilizing the default Roblox chat accommodates for nearly every situation. /team and /w / /whisper compensate for practically every affair.

Additional methods are used to unify a server. Location or distance should at no occasion limit any functionality (trades, purchases, etc). Now that this knowledge is established, UIs should be utilized for these functions. “Functions” are transactions, trades, or fundamental player interactions. Inherently, functions should never be limited, regardless of location or distance. The primary composition of successful games incorporate UIs for trading, shopping, and any other fundamental transactions. Some procedurally introduce these functions, like getting access to additional transactions and items after a certain stage. UIs are generally an efficient way to allow all consumers access basic functionalities.

:grey_exclamation: UIs inherently permit basic functions such as transacting and trading throughout an entire server

Brief recap
:white_small_square: Utilizing the default chat Roblox provides is undemanding in contrast to multiple unique private chats.
:white_small_square: Globalizing a game (allowing all consumers to communicate together effortlessly) is an effective concept that increases positive player experiences, and potentially monetization.
:white_small_square: Maintaining an adequate user experience level throughout a server or map positively increases many game statistics.
:white_small_square: Basic functions such as transacting and trading should be unlimited, regardless of player distance or location.
:white_small_square: UIs inherently permit basic functions (transacting, trading, etc.), whilst unifying a large map or server.

Developer and Parent Perspectives - Safety

Psychologically, players generally prefer playing and chatting online, whilst making online friends1. However, this raises evident concerns towards parents and child supervisors. The anonymity online players have is unimaginable: it’s fairly easy to cause damage online by invalidating children safety2. Online safety is a newsworthy discussion which is relevant due to the lack of child security and lack of ways to identify the person behind the screen. Occasionally, the person behind the screen is maliciously gaining private information from children; such as child predators. Such threats are difficult to identify, so the next plausible concept is to limit socialization to prevent such predators from causing inherent damage. Socialization does not necessarily have to be substantially decreased; as long as content is monitored to a decent extent.

All forms of socialising should be encouraged as a form of entertainment among <13’s but safety must always apply, no matter what the situation may be.

— @Cinema_Sin, Discord

:grey_exclamation: The primary composition of players can cause irreplaceable damage online due to the anonymity they have

Firstly, it is the parents’ responsibility to equip their children with knowledge and strategies to unanimously avoid interactions between any suspicious individual, or groups of people. If a child is being thoroughly interrogated, generally, leaving the server is the safest option. Additionally, parents should force their children to notify them of any suspicious interrogation or interaction both online and offline. Although the probability of privacy invasion is scarce, strategies must be established and passed onto future generations. However, a game may not implement functional methods to ensure safety. The native chat filter is excessive, but ensures an adequate level of safety. As previously discussed, the default chat Roblox provides usually functions decently.

:grey_exclamation: Parents should train their children to notify them of any suspicious online interaction, and equip their children with strategies to react against potential child predators

There are multiple ways developers can circumvent potential safety and privacy invasions their consumers may encounter. When @Cinema_Sin was interviewed, they stated that the default Roblox chat system was not excessive; instead, balanced. They also expressed that safety should be prioritized over enjoyment, and leaned towards the customary “better safe than sorry” proverb. Perspectively, these thoughts can satisfy both the developers and consumers. Both would prefer safety whilst being able to communicate. On the contrary, when @Scripter_123 was interviewed, they expressed how excessive the Roblox filter is, because it censors fundamental socialization words such as “meet.” While this may interrupt player experience, it may occasionally shift the life of an innocent child being targeted by a child predator.

:grey_exclamation: The customary “better safe than sorry” proverb must be taken at face value when developing a game

There are various ways developers can address lack of consumer safety. Firstly, the handy tool Roblox provides: the default chat, censors an excessive chunk of text. Numbers (birth dates, credit cards, age, phone numbers) are inherently censored for the under 13 community of Roblox. Community members over the age of 13 can express few numbers and terms. If the number count gets excessive (6+ numbers, estimation), Roblox usually censors the entire constant. Additionally, developers are responsible for limiting their game to appropriate content only. Malicious individuals may bypass the intended purpose of a game to exploit it’s innocence and potentially its players. Role play simulations back in the day generally allowed this bypass without acting with authority. Currently, most role play games (Welcome to Bloxburg) ensure that this bypass is invisible, and the game is primarily limited to appropriate content.

2…I don’t like the anonymity of online games because people feel they can say whatever they want.

— Interviewee, How Do Gamers Communicate? - It's All A Game

:grey_exclamation: To ensure anti-corruption within a game, limit the game to appropriate content only

Brief recap
:white_small_square: Players have unrestricted anonymity online - a notable priority as a developer would be preventing such anonymity from causing irreplaceable damage.
:white_small_square: Parents’ responsibilities include equipping their children with knowledge on how to react to a child predator incident.
:white_small_square: The traditional “better safe than sorry” proverb must be taken at face value during development stages.
:white_small_square: To prevent corruption within a game, restrict all potential inappropriate content.

A brief anecdote to players experiencing boredom on Roblox

Players should rarely be reluctant about playing a game primarily due to inactive friends. Often, consumers should interact with surrounding players while abiding by all safety rules. Friends may develop chemistry with each other, but socializing with surrounding individuals may open players’ eyes to unique methods, and new friends. Extending one’s friends list will create irreplaceable experiences in the near future—and potentially the far future. Personally, my arguments frequently transition to friendships. There’s never a valid time players can restrict themselves of friendships: so be open to random users. Try minimizing all hatred towards a party or group of people and individuals.

I mean all my friends were once random people.

— @Scripter_123, Discord

I think your current psychological status depends on what/who you find more interest playing with.

— @Cinema_Sin, Discord

the average human has 86 billion neurons :brain:. If you double that you’ve got 172 billion.

— @Nizbyth, Coming up with Game Ideas - Ultimate Guide

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I was happy to contribute to this resource, very interesting read.

I think this topic is great for maintaining a solid player count, one thing I would like to add is for Roblox to add parties to the chat. Like a command which contacts a specific message to certain people because currently you can only whisper to other players, if you have a custom chat then please please please implement it. It does more than what it says on the tin.

Straying away from that, I see a bit of toxicity within the actual platform. Fair enough, I may enjoy a troll or two but when it becomes incessant that really kills the socialisation part of the game. Harsher filtering on trolls, whether it is spamming or making crude jokes, should be a integrated service within the filtering system to prevent players having a bad time.

Asides, great post though. I’m looking forward to your other resources. Keep up the great work :wink: .


This is a very well written resource. The styling is very unique (as it deviates from default markdown).
and uses :white_small_square:emoji in a very unique way.

I look foward to seeing your future contributions and can absolutely say you deserve full member or the post approved badge! :wink:


Admittedly, I used the emoji throughout this editorial for aesthetics, the bullet points function identically. :stuck_out_tongue:

The structure of an article is heavily reliant on its formatting. Readers have the tendency to read only brief content (according to my speculation); shamelessly, I categorize myself this way. Throughout the article, an indication of the heart point for each paragraph was provided using an :grey_exclamation: Exclamation Point emoji.

The paragraphs are for the emphasis, methods, sources, and knowledge. Since the information provided is crucial to few, it’s important they grasp the key concepts regardless of how much they’ll read. I encourage everyone to format their articles in such a way.

I admire the kind words. I’ve only been here for roughly six months, and don’t contribute daily. If topics begin to display interest, I’ll reply more frequently. :sunglasses:


I am very glad I have contributed to this very descriptive article about Socialization in games. I personally enjoyed reading and has helped me understand some aspects of socialization.