Software causing Roblox to crash

Exit out of the software before trying to play Roblox, usually, this is a result of bad or vulnerable drivers.

This should be only a temporary fix, Roblox should actually start fixing their stuff. Other games with anticheats (Easy Anticheat, Riot Vanguard) have no problem with it, only Roblox does. Doesn’t seem right I can’t use a program that let’s me take the control of my laptop.


Sometimes that software can be used as an attack vector for exploiting, best to just temporarily close the application and try to resolve it with Roblox engineers.
If the engineers cannot do anything about it, then the software is to blame.

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Hello EasternBloxxer,

Thank you for your report. Are you still experiencing the issue with the latest Roblox client version? If so, please provide a crash dump created by the latest client version for further investigation

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It seems to be fixed with sharex but i will do more testing when I’m back

Thank you for confirming, please let us know if you run into other issues.

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Issues mentioned above seem to be fixed.
(Mine atleast, I don’t know about @antvvnio)

I can confirm this have been fixed. I can use Lenovo Legion Toolkit + MSI Afterburner without any problems.


Hey bitdancer, I know this is the wrong way to reach out to you, but I dont have access to post in #bug-reports. (I have sent a request)
Something that I noticed is that you cannot launch roblox while having a different game running in the background. Possibly because the anti-cheats are conflicting with each other, resulting in roblox crashing with the error “Reverse engineering software detected…”. Idk if it’s just a warning. If not, it might cause many false bans.

You can message @Bug-Support in the meantime before your request gets accepted, but I don’t know how much longer that’ll stay open

Using both ShareX and Vesktop, and I cannot seem to reproduce this on my end! :frowning:

Hello Chow_bond,

Thank you for reaching out. Could you please provide more details? For instance, which other game are you running? What state was the other game in (logon screen, loading screen, lobby, etc.)?

I noticed it happening with FH5 and Call of Duty, and it occurs regardless of the game state. During gameplay, lobby, and logo screens.

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They are stopped working at my experience. Sent 2-3 bug reports, previously took 3-5 days to review message, now gone for months in silence…

You can bump the message from time to time if you think they might have missed it, they’ll eventually get to it. I had a bug report that took two months to get approved, so long wait times are expected

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Issue has already been resolved. Software causing Roblox to crash - #16 by Bitdancer

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Unfortunately, Call of Duty pretends to be a well-known disassembler to avoid being reverse engineered by folks using the very same tool (multiple instances are not allowed). Hyperion doesn’t allow the Roblox client to run, as it cannot distinguish between the real tool and an imposter. We haven’t tested FH5 yet, but the anti-cheat developer community is rather small, so it wouldn’t surprise us if the same trick is used.


Oh okay that makes sense, it wont lead to any false bans though right?

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No, it will not. Banning is not as straightforward as one might assume; certain behavioral patterns must be detected in order to issue a ban.


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