[SOLVED!] Camera stutters when below 60 FPS in studio viewport

Hi, I have some horrible stuttering when editing is studio. I think it maybe when fps is below 60 it begins to stutter but I’m not too sure, it also happens in a blank baseplate. I have played around with studio settings with nothing changing it and it runs fine in the client and testing. If any could help or knows a solution don’t hesitate to put here please!

(Bit hard to see in the recording but its there!)

Edit: The fps seems to drop when a mouse input is triggered.

Could you show how it looks in a blank baseplate? This usually happens when there’s maps with alot of models, baseparts, etc. Like the one you showed.

By the way it could be because your camera speed is slow so it makes it feel jittery, adjust the speed possibly.

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Here, it seems to be worse now.

I do think its because its running below 60 fps, everything else is also very sluggish. This all started happening after I updated my PC. Any suggestions?

Edit: The fps seems to drop when a mouse input is triggered.

bumping post cuz I need help with this ASAP!

what is ur windows version and is ur pc old?

Latest windows 11, I recently got it upgraded so its not out of date by any means. Here are the specs:

Really weird. Try looking into the microprofiler and see exactly whats causing the lag. You can open it via doing Ctrl + Alt + F6.

Wait am i tripping or is your ram actually clocked at 1200 mhz??? (Nvm my bad)

No its not, its always said that lol

Looking at it now its defo a camera problem, say if I do a quick 90* turn I get a huge spike. So i guess ill have to wait till a new studio update comes out?

What you could try doing is changing the studio rendering api. See if Vulkan does any better. You can change it by doing to File > Rendering > Graphics Mode > Vulkan. Youre going to need to restart studio once you set the rendering api to Vulkan.

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omg its fixed now, I now feel a bit stupid that I didnt think of that but THANK YOU!!

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No reason to feel stupid dont worry! Sometimes theres just some weird shenanigans happening with roblox which sometimes have some really weird and myserious solutions to them. Though as a tip you should maybe also try updating your GPU drivers if you haven’t already. Here is the Nvidia driver installation page. You should be able to get the latest drivers within minutes. A PC restart MIGHT be required after you install them.

I did reinstall my drivers twice but it didnt work, but thank you anyway.

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to be honest he is stupid but dont worry im stupid too

For anyone still having camera stutter issues, I developed a hotfix you can now find marked as the solution in this post Workspace camera stuttering when editing

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