[Solved] How to solve Roblox not opening due to Windows 11 Insiders Program [2023]

For the past week I’ve been experiencing Roblox refusing to open games, where Roblox will pop up with it’s loading screen then proceed to close itself out right afterwards. The Microsoft App & Roblox Studios works just fine but it’s just the Roblox Player itself. I’ve tried every method I could find like cleaning temporary files and Cache, Wiping all roblox related files and reinstalling, closing every other background running app and trying to play roblox and trying to use a VPN. But none of those works.

I’ve realized what might be impacting this is that my account is connected to the Roblox Player and Studio Beta which might have some flaws that the normal Roblox Player doesn’t that’s preventing me to open but as much as I try to unenroll or uninstall it. It always ends up being reinstalled. I have no clue to solve my Roblox issue at the moment so any help would be lovely. I’ve gotten the RobloxPlayerBeta crash dump files at the moment.


Hi @c_bie! Could you please make a little video so I can understand what exactly happens when you want to start a game.

P.S: Do not use VPN as it is a violation of the Terms of Service.



I am also having this issue, I have no idea why.
I’ve factory resetted my laptop and it didn’t fix the issue.

Is your device windows 11? I think having windows 11 could be the issue.

I believe that there is also other Roblox users that are having this issue, so we’re not the only ones.


The Roblox executable has been called RobloxPlayerBeta.exe for as long as I can remember (> 6 years). Your problem is not leaving some kind of beta channel, unfortunately. You need to give us some more context on what’s happening (AKA what @bumaci8 said).

This is not the case. I run Win11 and have uninterrupted 8 hour Studio sessions. The player and even UWP app both work flawlessly too.



Please ensure that all Roblox files in the AppData directory are removed. To do this:

Uninstall Roblox from your computer
Open the Command Prompt. You can open it by pressing Win+R > Type ““CMD”” > Press Enter.

Type in the following commands:

cd AppData\Local (then press enter)
rmdir /s Roblox (then press enter)
Enter ““y”” when asked to answer (then press enter)
Restart your computer
Reinstall Roblox

I hope I have helped!


Just if you don’t know… I’m not the one that made this post but I was just telling the guy that made the post that I am also having the issue. If you’d like to see my post then view here

Also, here is details about my windows 11 to compare with yours if you’d like

FYI: I’m not too fussed on getting the issue fixed, because I’ve just moved to the normal Microsoft app for now.


I don’t think this will work.

I’m also having this issue and I did delete the Roblox app data both studio and roblox player and uninstalled them in the control panel and it did not fix the issue. I’ve also factory reset my laptop and that did not fix the issue either (FYI: Don’t worry I didn’t lose anything important on my laptop, everything is all saved on my hard drive so I don’t care too much about resetting my entire laptop.)

Sure thing! Here’s a little video of me trying to open Roblox, this is similar to what I’ve seen from other people but none of their solutions have worked for me, I am assuming it’s a Hyperion related issue and I’ve gotten Crash Dumps I can share but I am not sure if this is something I should publicly share or not.


Just to confirm, this is the same issue I’m having nothing else happens once that little loading screen closes.

It would appear my version is slightly more outdated than yours, so that might be the reason this supposedly-Win11 related issue is not affecting me.

Oh yeah I was speculating it could’ve been a possible Windows 11 issue as I have a more up to date version of Windows 11

Oh okay, I may suggest not to update your laptop lol…

I updated my laptop the other day and I think it stopped working after that but now I have a pending update so that could fix it.

Thank you for the video! After the Roblox loading screen closes, will the Roblox app not start?


No not at all. I’ve gave it a solid 5 minutes or so and nothing will open, It closes completely.

This is the same issue for me too.

Thank you for the information! Can you try searching for Roblox in Windows search (Win+S) and launching the app from there and not from the website?

Please let me know what happened.


I’ve deleted the Roblox Player version for now, but I think when I tried doing that it either did nothing or it just opened that loading screen then closed.

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Be sure to do this and let me know what happened.


Delete roblox through settings.

Put this in #bug-reports

@c_bie Are you also using the Windows 11 insider version or are you using a different version?