(SOLVED) Infinite Place Loading

Go to the Roblox site and search for your game in create, then there should be backup/old versions.
Download old versions until your studio opens.

I have encountered this issue at least 5 times, 2 of which it fixed out of no where, i just had to wait.


Yes, I reverted it to previous versions, but I also get the same results, regardless of which way I open it.

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make sure to download it to local device, just to make sure its Team Create issue and not corruption

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I downloaded the old version from the version-tab of the game, I suppose that is a local file.

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Yes try and open it, just check if everything is fine

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I did, unfortunately I get the same result…


Weird… Have you got a big map or a large terrain?

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Yes, we have alot of terrain, though its still flat and un-edited.

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I guess that’s the issue, there is too many terrain regions (voxels). Roblox studio is having hard time loading this since rendering terrain is hefty task, check for versions which have got no terrain or less than the current map.

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By the way, the only site I found about actual bug reports is locked for me, I cannot post it in… Great…

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The thing is that until yesterday Studio had no problems at all loading it up, I find it quiet hard to believe that the terrain is the issue, thought it might be (I don’t know, I just don’t think it is.)

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Its probably because of its servers, i guess to much people are working currently and it takes way too much time? You can try and leave the project loading.

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Uhh, it’s only me and my friend madistrate, + he is in the UK, and I’m in the US, so we have different “Building Times”… This is starting to get me worried, since we have already built alot…

Im sure its a temporary issue, it usually gets fixed after a while, i guess you have no other option now except leave it alone


Right, do you have any tips on how to report a bug anyway? As mentioned before, I for some reason can’t make a post in the “#studio-bug-reports” section.

Where can you see your current “level”?

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Is your storage/disk space full? If so I recommend deleting some files that you don’t use because that could be the reason it is not opening the place.

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Try deleating roblox studio from progam C and manually and try redownloading it might work

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You cant achieve it anymore the post approval has been discontinued

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go to any profile on the forum you can see trust level next to groups

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