[Solved] Skeleton of a model is deformed when importing it from blender

I’m having a problem related to the rig of 2 cogs.
In Blender, I’ve modeled 2 cogs, and rigged them making them under the same rig.

As you can see in the video, the first and second cog bones are disconnected.
When I import them to Roblox, the bones are off centered and an extra bone appears where the previous disconnected bone was, making the cogs to not rotate properly.

I would appreciate some help. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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Once I had an issue where an imported animation would be unaccurate, maybe this fix works for you too. All I did was shrink the model a lot inside blender and export it again, it seems like roblox doesn’t handle scaling big rigs well. Was the rig really big when you imported?


Thanks, it’s working now. Just an advice for people with the problem. Don’t re-scale the model in Roblox when importing it.

Scale it small previously JUST on blender.


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