Hello ! , is there any possible ways to make a NPC face a Player ?
I tried to use Lookvector but it’s ReadOnly…
I have no clue at what i need to do and i can’t find any help anywhere…
Some help would be nice .
Hello ! , is there any possible ways to make a NPC face a Player ?
I tried to use Lookvector but it’s ReadOnly…
I have no clue at what i need to do and i can’t find any help anywhere…
Some help would be nice .
You can use CFrame.lookAt(at, lookAt)
to get an NPC to look at a point.
-- in a loop,
-- start at the NPC's position
-- makes the NPC look at the player, but not move up and down
Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position * Vector3.new(1,0,1)
+ NPC.HumanoidRootPart.Position * Vector3.new(0,1,0)
I hope that’s enough info.
Edit: this one is better cleaned up.
local NPCroot = NPC.HumanoidRootPart
local CharRoot = Character.HumanoidRootPart
CharRoot.Position * Vector3.new(1, 0, 1)
+ NPCroot.Position * Vector3.new(0, 1, 0)
Thanks a lot ! i understand how it works now !
Using this function, the NPC cannot move using Humanoid:MoveTo() because it also sets the position of the CFrame. Is there anyway to only modify the orientation of the CFrame?