Some Vertices of Skinned Mesh Behaving Strangely

What I was trying to achieve was a skinned mesh rig with bones in blender and then importing it into roblox studio for scripting, animating, etc.

The issue is that when i move the bones in studio some of the vertices just stay in the same spot. Normally I would just assume I made an issue with the weight painting and go back to blender, but i spent hours weight painting this model and I thought everything was fine because in blender the limbs move as expected (with no vertices getting stuck weirdly)



Looked for similar issues online but i only found people solving this issue for unity, not roblox studio (and their solution wasnt related to blender).

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I dunno if this is the problem but have you tried normalizing your weights in blender?

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Make sure to check each vertices is only influenced by up to 4 bones, more than that and Studio will start dropping weight influences. I’d reconmend doing what Hazelfluff said and averaging and cleaning up weights. For example, checking if the head is infuenced by more than just the head bone, checking that the upper torso is only influenced by the upper torso, lower torso, and head bones. If you re weight paint the model, I’d reconmend turning on auto-normalize as it helps to erradicate wrong weights.


I’ll try that thank you! I do have more than 4 bones so that might be the problem

IT WORKED! tysm everyone I’ll try to remember this for future skinned meshes

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