Some way to display unfiltered text from a DataStore only the original author can see

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to save user-written text to a DataStore and display it in a new play session without filtering, even if said text was only ever intended to be viewable by the person who wrote it originally.

This can be an issue in certain circumstances. For example, in one of my projects, players have the ability to build and save an object under a name of their choosing. This user-inputted name is then used to sort the part in menus like this one:

Another thread about the example above.

The names aren’t intended to be viewed by anyone except the original author, and yet we’re required to filter it anyway. It’d be really bad user-experience if a player rejoins only to find that a third of their saved parts have been refiled under “######”. It kind of defeats the purpose of the sorting system, right?

If Roblox were to address this issue, it would allow me and other developers to have systems like this one without the tacked-on frustration over filtered names.

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The only reason why you wouldn’t filter the text for that play session is so the player doesn’t try different combinations to get around roblox’s filter. Now the reason why you still need to filter text when the player rejoins is because it could end up looking bad for roblox.

This isn’t really possible because datastores are not tied to an user. So of course multiple users could, for whatever reason, share a datastore key and since there isn’t a way to “own” a datastore you wouldn’t be able to tell if user A is the same user who wrote to it next session it gets checked.

So no; no current way to display unfiltered text from a datastore even if user A is the same user who wrote and then viewed it at a later date.

Maybe this could be implemented as some sort of API and used on the honor system? It’d be the developer’s responsibility to not display unfiltered text to a user unless they wrote it originally. If multiple users had data stored under one key, the developer would just filter the returned text as normal.

Disallowing something that has practical application because it has the potential to make Roblox look bad feels like a moot point. There’s a lot of ways players can make Roblox look bad. What about Studio? Anything you make in there isn’t filtered at all.

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