Sound echo / reverb being cutoff if it doesn't fit within Length

The current behavior of the Echo- and ReverbSoundEffect instances doesn’t work as you’d expect it to. Currently if the Delay or DecayTime exceeds a given sound’s TimeLength, it will be cut-off and never play.

This is unintuitive and makes it hard to give long lasting echo’s to sounds without using SoundService’s AmbientReverb presets. However changing the AmbientReverb affects all of the game’s sounds within workspace, which is undesired when it comes to manipulating only a small group of sounds to have longer lasting echo’s.

In short - it’d be great to have the behavior of Echo- and ReverbSoundEffect instances modified so that their actual echo’s can exceed the modified sound’s TimeLength.


This is still a problem. Most sounds don’t have several extra seconds of silence at the end of them to allow for a Delay or DecayTime property to be able to play out in full. This should be possible if SoundService.AmbientReverb doesn’t suffer from the same issue.

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Bump! Not everyone wants to enable AmbientReverb as that affects the entirety of the game. I need this for my experience!

Bump. This is still an issue now with sound beign cutoff but the reverb is not finished and roblox does nothing to fix this.

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