Sound repeatedly taken down for false IP violations

Hi, All! :wave:
I’m writing about my audio asset that was falsely taken down for an IP violation when the sound is an entirely original unreleased/uncopyrighted composition with no samples or unoriginal melodies whatsoever.

The original audio asset (1), was uploaded to Roblox without any issues, with multiple testers who only have play-access to the experience being able to hear the sound fine in the Roblox Client. It was only a few days later I found that the sound was mysteriously deleted, like it had been somehow reviewed for a second time. I assumed this was a small glitch and did not think much of it. I tried several times to reupload the audio, even re-exporting the file to avoid the same hash/audio data being flagged as already reviewed and declined by Roblox’s algorithms and yet, it STILL got moderated for IP violations every single time within 5 minutes.

Although I mentioned this earlier, I would like to emphasize again that this audio is an entirely original composition, which is unreleased and uses no samples.
Any help would be much appreciated. :pray: Thankyou!

  1. 113480540250609 (ID of the original upload of the sound)

Image of the message sent to the account that uploaded the audio:


We’ve been having the same issue with a track we originally made for Baddies Battlegrounds and i’ve heard of 3 other developers having this exact issue.

No samples or anything… we are all so confused.


Adding a +1 to this conversation, this is a really bad issue - especially with original music. These original pieces should not be getting flagged, or even false flagged. On a platform that is advertising user generated content, we need to be able to actually use our user generated content.


Can you tell us what the sound genre is of your audio? We have kind of an idea of what may be tripping the system, and if your audio is similar to these other audios that are having the same problem, that would be a big tell on what may be causing this issue


The sound genre is ‘Music’ (if that’s what you are referring to by genre).
Assuming you do not already have access to the moderated asset, I have provided the file which may help

Thank you very much


Me personally, I do not work for Roblox - I’m just in talks with a couple other developers who are having the same issue, and we are trying to deduce if there is a specific thing that may be causing a problem


This happened to us too.

Multiple instrumental songs being blocked for “copyright”.

Started last night, this is definitely encouraging us to stop spending on music if we know it can’t be uploaded due to a broken system.


+1 just started the past few days (ambient minute long audios)

Is the length causing it?


Yeah, it’s honestly really frustrating. I tried reaching out to Roblox Support and they did not help. Hopefully my report will help to bring awareness to this issue. Goodluck getting your audio(s) also unmoderated.

The strange thing is for me, is that my audio was accepted but then a few days later Roblox just changed there minds? :sob: it’s really annoying.


I upload music to Roblox weekly if not more than that. The songs are usually 2-6 minutes long and these are not getting moderated

(it’s literally only 1 song for me but I will keep you posted if other assets mysteriously get moderated)

I did actually consider this a possibility but the reason for take down and message I received both stated the reason for take down was that the audio violated an IP policy.


Ohhh, I see. My fault :laughing:

It’s reassuring to see that other developers are having the same issues meaning it probably isn’t anything to do with my audio specifically and this is resolvable. Thanks for your help regardless, I think I should have included my audio in the report anyways. :+1:


Thanks for the report! We’ll investigate and follow up with updates.


Thanks for having a look.

It would really help developers if the moderation system could give more detailed information on “why” a track was moderated/blocked. For example:

  1. The uploaded audio file matches an existing copyrighted audio file
  2. The uploaded audio file matches a previously moderated audio file
  3. The content of the audio file violates our terms of service (list the item from the terms of service the track violates)

I recently collaborated with the Philly Fife and Drum corps to record instrumentals for my game, I even signed a contract with them and they made completely unique recordings. For whatever reason, like 2 weeks after uploading the Yankee Doodle track, it got taken down for supposed copyright infringement, even though I have the license to use it and it’s… Yankee Doodle, a public domain song.
I contracted dev relations about it 2 weeks ago, and I haven’t heard anything since.

I think this is a slightly different issue to what I’m having as the song is registered somewhere even if it’s free to use.

I did notice this when I originally tried with Roblox Support to resolve my issue. They say that they’re working on a system to prove that you have permission or a license to use the song so hopefully this will be of use to you when it’s implemented.
I hope you’re able to resolve your issue though, goodluck

they’re been using this template for over a year, don’t get your hopes up :((

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Unsurprising for Roblox Support… being completely honest the entire system needs to be overhauled and everybody needs to be fired :skull:
I’m obviously exaggerating but if this was more like the dev forums where the staff actually tries to help you like here instead of just sending a pretty much automated message telling you while you’re wrong instead of actually helping you I think it would be a lot better