I have some loud things in my game. Currently, even at volume of 1 and global sounds down at 0.025 (so they arent too loud in comparison), you can barely hear them beyond a 200 studs or something.
There should be no upper cap. Obviously there must be a limit to the actual volume heard by user, so some normalization is necessary.
But if I want a thing that is 1000x louder than everything else, I should be able to do that. Even if it means you cant hear the other things.
Ideally distant sounds would be muffled as well (if technically possible). A parameter for mufflingyness of sounds would be useful for simulating being underwater or in some space suit, too. Or concussion. Lots of use cases.
I have a feeling that with @spotco’s changes here it will be much easier to accomplish these things and have more “proper” volume roll-off. Maybe play around with that and see if your issues are fixed with that, since those changes will go live eventually.
Yeah my intention is to ‘fake’ the increased volume by using a large min distance, when those become available.
It would be more intuitive if it automatically did that (or something else like proper normalization of all sounds relative to the loudest or whatever the best way is). I just want to use a single property to set how loud a sound is, and be done with it.