These features of Sound are documented on the devhub but appear to have never been properly activated? In their current state, these properties are entirely non-functional.
[edit]: Here is a bug report from November 2022 (when the feature was first released) indicating that the feature never got enabled. It seems like this feature has been forgotten about since then, so please either enable it, or make a note on the devhub about this!
@ReallyLongArms Hi, it seems that this feature was never enabled. Can you give a status update on whether this is still a planned addition?
On another note, since it seems like you’re the go-to sound guy, do you have any advice on how I can seamlessly stitch together sounds to play back-to-back? I’ve tried Play()'ing a sound upon Sound:Ended() firing, but this does not produce a seamless result. Currently, the best solution for this problem is spawning a separate thread which delays for the first sound’s TimeLength, minus a small decimal (I found 0.02 works) to connect the two sounds seamlessly. This is very hacky, however.
Hey Fluffmiceter; I enabled the LoopRegion/PlaybackRegion API yesterday morning, and will be monitoring to make sure it doesn’t break anything. We’ve had some trouble with it the past, so I would recommend waiting a little bit before pushing any changes that rely on it – just in case we have to disable it again. Once we’ve confirmed it’s ok, we’ll make an announcement on this thread and the one that you linked to let people know – in the meantime, please feel free to try it out, and let us know if you encounter any problems!
Regarding your seamless playback question: we don’t currently have a great way to play sounds at exact times – scripts can only play sounds on frame intervals, and 60hz pales in comparison to the audio sample rate. As you’ve noticed, Sound.Ended actually happens on the first frame after the sound has ended – not ideal. We know we need a solution to this problem
Thank you for the insight! If you or other engineers ever have the time to tackle the seamless playback problem, one suggestion I have would be some sort of audio queueing method, so Roblox’s internal audio systems can stitch together the audio files without worrying about frame intervals.
Would this allow for us to play multiple sounds (like rain) at exact same times without any flanging? I have a lot of sources of rain I want to play from in my map but have to currently result in utilizing 2D audio because of flanging.