Sounds in parts not working properly

Due to a recent update (where you can change how far away sounds can be heard(?)), you cannot change the parameters and that means that I cannot hear the player walking, jumping, I can’t hear gears etc.


I can not replicate this issue (Sounds currently work fine for me both in studio and in game) and this change is currently turned off which is why the values of these properties can not be changed. While the change is off these values are also not used.

I have not changed RollOffScale or any of the properties in SoundService compared to what it was before this bug, but this is what’s happening:

(This is also happening in Vampire Hunters, so it’s not only that place)

I’ve been having the same problem

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I can’t change the parameters, but I can hear sounds.

Have you tried going in studio and equipping a gear with a part that makes a noise?

This is exactly how I tested it? Could you post a place file where this doesn’t work for you? It can just be a baseplate with a gear in StarterGear if that reproduces the issue for you.

Sound Distance Bug.rbxl (29.8 KB)

I am having the exact same issue when I play my own games or other people’s games.

Having this issue as well when playing weapon fire sounds from a tool’s handle.
This only started happening in the last 2 weeks

My friends just told me that they can hear sounds just fine. Maybe it depends on the OS or something? Also, I can hear sounds sometimes, but only when my camera is right next to the part that has the sound in it.


If I move my camera to be exactly at the part where the sound is, I can hear it. Other than that, I cannot hear it most of the time. When in studio, I cannot manually change the MaxDistance values of a sound object.


This is still a problem, however it is slightly different. I cannot hear sounds that are in front of my camera, but I can hear them if they are behind.

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Still an issue :frowning:

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Can confirm that this still is an issue too

This is odd, yesterday I went to a friends house and the issue was gone. I could hear sounds in parts perfectly fine, but now that I’m connected to my internet again the issue has come back.

Apparently it’s to do with certain internets? idk

Perhaps computer specific?

It was using the same computer (laptop)

I’m getting new WiFi later today, so if it fixes for me I’ll let you know

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Got my new WiFi, still the same as it was before :confused: (the sounds I mean)