Space Knights: Relaunched


Why? Well, it’s been like this for a while.
I made this when I was too ambitious, I must be honest with myself.
The bane of making a game, working with nobody.
Really, the bane of most things.
There are times when you have to realize you’re doing something
but then you keep it going on and on, but then leave it cold.
Why do I state it here? For those who need it. It takes balls to admit.
Read the rest if you’d like, I’m doing good now.

Years of waiting, and now here’s a remake. (Technically a reboot.)
Space Knights: Relaunched.

Being worked on by two dudes! Sometimes a third guy.
Two more people for ideas, and one for scripting. Just check the credits above.

What's Space Knights: Relaunched?


Space Knights: Relaunched is a PvE sci-fi adventure shooter game, being the remake/reboot of Space Knights, a 2013-2014 game. This reboot is as original as the original, but with a whole lot of new stuff. In the year 6064, you’re back at your job.
Fight some old foes or some new ones. Visit various HQs that are located around the universe, each on different planets. Along the way you can find shops on different planets, you go to!
Meet allies too, or bigger, badder fellas. Of course, you’re going to need to be armed to fight, so use an armory full of weapons, armor, or even explosives! Hell, if you really REALLY wanted to, you could use some magic instead.
Set in space, the world has advanced.

(sorry to that guy whom I said I’d change some stuff, I didn’t)

Introducing, the “Corps.”

These are the Corps. They each have their own rules and stuff to do. Their home is the "Corps HQ," otherwise known as the Space Knights HQ.
  • “Teams” are set to control all areas. Making sure their core is protected as they keep everything on the planet alive. If a planet of their own is being attacked, the Teams will alert the HQ and protect the planet.

  • “Projects” are the engineers. Making sure all structures are in good condition, fixing them if there’s even a dent on them.

  • Finally, the “Branch.” They produce laws and keep the HQ in top-tier shape, making sure all is deemed for justice.

The Corps has advanced a lot. New fresh looks on their suit too. It’s got a gem on the helmet, fancy? And a small core on its chest piece.

Meet the newly recruited team. These guys are your friends, the people you meet and fight with, Team Radiant.

The Space Knights normally don’t reveal their names, they’re given nicknames, change it at will to make sure they’re hidden. Space Knights can always come in the same color. If you join the Corps, you’re given a free disguise. Citizens can always buy a disguise too with good reasoning, why did I mention that? Because villains can always get a disguise too.

Meet Greenie.

Greenie’s the leader of team radiant. He’s kind and soft, of course getting along with everybody he meets (most of the time). When times come, he becomes serious, why would he be the leader otherwise?

Meet Redie.

Redie… Redie’s uh… he’s the lazy one. He doesn’t even do anything well. How’d he even become a Space Knight? He’s… he’s just lazy. At least he knows how to hit somebody.

Meet Goldie.

Ie’s at the end of a Space Knight’s nickname is common. Very common. Goldie is the co-leader, he can actually think, and know whats to do in 0.161571 seconds. At least he’s actually serious.

Meet Blacko.

A Space Knight that ends without an ‘ie’, finally… oh! Blacko’s the weapons guy. Ask him what you should use, and he’ll point to the one he thinks is better. He can shoot way better than the others, he has some really good eyesight too! But he’s a shy man, at least we think he’s shy.

And finally, there’s you. Get along with the others good, eh?

(Goldie decides to join this time.)

In the year 6042, Space Knights had to defend their HQs core from all enemy forces around the world. Now is the year 6064. New leaders, new laws. And of course, new enemies.
You’ll encounter other teams on the way too, visit your HQ and visit enemy HQs.

The “Villains.”

The “Villains.” Of course, leading a gang and causing chaos. Destroying HQs, murder, who knows what else. The “villain’s” leader tortures people for their info, info on what? We just don’t know. They just go against the law all the time.

Their motives are unknown, just that they’re dangerous.
Their leader is Sith. Some purple guy that was from the 6042 incident. An old member of the Space Knights HQ. People say that he’d gotten betrayed by the Corps… don’t know if it’s just a rumor or the truth. But… he exists. And he’s alive.

Sith seems to have our newest chest plate, some boots, but everything else is of the past. He’s also gotten two gems somehow. Their HQs are all around the world, making sure to note everything that happens. We don’t know much about them yet… so we hope the newly recruited Corps will help us learn about them more, and finally deem them for justice.

Did I mention they tamed the slimes too? Whatever they were? I’ll just call them slimes…
They’ve tamed them. And they’ve grown too.

The Monsters.

Why call them monsters? I mean.. look at them. They've evolved. Although they're no different to their original counterparts.. other than a select few.. they've still gotten stronger.

The Basic Slime.

These guys are the same. They just look different.


The Wallclimbers.

Introducing spikes. Don’t touch them. Their spikes are hard enough to climb walls with, but somehow soft enough to be broken. Seems to enhance their climbing speed and damage if anything.


The Boomwalkers.

Transparent, and they’ve eaten the Levitators bombs. What smart slimes.
More exploding power? Easier to kill? Who knows.


The Levitator.

Since the Villains took them in, they’ve de-evolved? We don’t know their intentions on why they took their power to fly and drop bombs from their bodies but seems it’s for extra armor or some stuff. Good luck defeating these guys.

There are others… but we haven’t seen them since. Maybe you’ll find them on your journey?
Good luck defeating these guys. They won’t be a problem, just annoying. I swear.

The Teams think they still have the old forms of the slimes… but they’re not sure.
If it’s true, that’ll be trouble. We’ve also seen that there are new types of slimes appearing on other planets… but you’ll go there yourself to confirm that. Have fun.

Expanding from the original idea.

There's a whole lot more to list, but I'd keep it short. (at least try to make them short)
  • Shards are the main form of power. Cores are used for maintaining life, being used to act like earth’s gravity as well, but also have a lot of power, mainly used for cities.

  • The Space Knights HQ can’t give you free weapons anymore as they don’t have the resources for them, so you and other people have to go get the resources yourself. Introducing, scrap, use it to make some new weapons.

  • The planets have gotten harder to mine, so you can only mine certain parts of the planets.

  • Guns. Did I forget to mention guns? I mean I should’ve specified what type of ranged weapon.

  • You can now build new things, like traps! Even turrets! Only if you got the resources for them. And they don’t save on most planets.

  • Armor, armor, armor. New armor. And explosives. Armor can change your stats or give you new powers, like magic! Don’t forget this, explosives won’t work without a core in their area, because Logic

Guess what? I updated it. I actually updated it. Click on this text to see more.
  • You can now build new things, traps, even turrets! Only if you got the resources for them. And they don’t save on most planets.

  • The slimes still drop shards, you can use them to make weapons. But, there are now new types of shards, and a different shard dropping rate. Normal enemies and mediocre enemies drop gray shards, which count as one shard. Stronger enemies drop red shards, which count for two shards. Mini-Bosses drop blue shards, which are worth 20 shards. And Bosses/Humans drop orange shards, 50 shards.

  • Don’t forget, physics won’t (will try to not to be) be broken. Anything we’ve said in the past story-related or just normal physics will be remembered and be used again.

  • You wanna play it in its original form? Fear not, we have options for that! Introducing, “Old School.” Now, you can play the remake with the original colors, sky, character, weapons, and more! You’ll be able to disable and enable which you currently want active as well. This is gonna be a pain.

  • Most buildings and weapons require quite the shards, but they require a good amount of scrap.

  • No level requirement on anything. Only unlocks. Unlocks that aren’t from the level requirements.

  • Power-ups still exist. New ones are being added and we’re making sure to balance them all. Even the ones from the original game.

  • You want quests? We got quests. Not any ordinary boring quests… ok sometimes they’ll be ideas you’ve heard of before… like protecting quests, but they won’t be boring!

  • Event items. A UFO as a ride-able mount. Lots of new things.

Well, we hope that’s enough to keep everybody satisfied. That’s all we currently have revealed as of now.

Although it doesn’t seem like a lot, trust me. It is. There might be a lot of stuff we were talking about but it isn’t showcased, we’re currently working on them. Along with a showcase map with gameplay,

You can read more about the games process in the other updates section at the end, which is updated actively… most of the time.

And that's all we have of as now. If you saw from the "Expanding from the original idea," you might've seen the goals we had in mind, keep reading if you just want to understand more what these goals are! These goals are what we need for certain things, like showing more leaks and such! You may see what they are down below this text right now!
  • 100 Views, another leak of what we have! - ACHIEVED

  • 100 Likes, a progress update on how we’re doing with the game! - NOT ACHIEVED

  • 500 Views, release more information for the “Expanding from the original idea.” - NOT ACHIEVED

  • 1000 Views, we’ll open up a discord server for the game, showing even more and our progress with the game! - ACHIEVED…?

  • 1000 Likes, we’ll give you guys a place where you can test upcoming gameplay aspects! Fight the WORKING slimes with your new WORKING, weapons! - NOT ACHIEVED…?


We're continuing the game. See more at the end of this post, in the "News" section. You may see the old text that was here if you click on this text to understand why this was placed here.

Unfortunately, if we don’t achieve the 200-500 like goal in 3 months, we won’t continue the game, since we do have more important stuff, but I have high hopes we will! If we even get near that amount, we’ll continue the game!

I hope we can continue this game (reboot), and even get along with the community! I hope we can continue, Space Knights: Relaunched.
Thank you… For reading this.

News N’ Goals.

- Goals


A… Roboslime?!
What… even is this? Why… even?

hello hi I forgot to add more so here we are
Achievement Unlocked - Deez
whats 9 + 10?


- News


We’ll be continuing the game!
Thanks to all of the contributors for SK: R for helping and inspiring me to continue.

Although it won’t be daily work… we’ll be finishing a demo of the old game. The AI is being worked on and reworked! I hope this enjoys all of the fans of the game.
Stay tuned.

Welcome to the Space Knights: Relaunched Server.

Hello. We’re alive. Group here!! join server if you want!!! real 2019
Okay, 19 dollar fortnite card. Who wants it? And yes I’m giving it away, remember, share share share. And trolls, DON’T GET BLOCKED!
Space Knights: Relaunched Team - Roblox

- Other Updates

Just made it a little neater. How do you like the name of the game too?
I’ve been waiting to ask somebody that…
We do have a discord server… it might come out…

Introducing a new contributor and friend… CAPTAIN!
Thank him for actually doing the AI (some).
Whoever tells me a good joke gets a two-day tour and view of what we do.

I fixed some grammar above this post and other messy grammar. And finally updating the “expanding from the” blah blah, and changing some stuff.

  • Updates from 5/30-6/23 were removed for correction.

Again, we got our own lives to live, I’m sure you guys understand.
But don’t give up hope! We haven’t just stopped for no reason! We’re working on both versions of the game, the actual game, and the showcase. Just so we could possibly get a demo out faster to you guys! Please be patient, for I do have plans.
We’re also trying to open a server for those who want it.

Hey! We’re back! I lied. We’re currently on our summer breaks.
Yes, we’ll get back to work on August 5th. Currently doing some side-work to get more developers for the game. Hopefully, you guys will be really proud once it comes out.
See ya then!

I’m not sure how long it’ll take, but we’re just working on a trailer.
You might ask, “what why trailer now??/?”
i dunno i was bored and it seemed fun
We’re also planning concepts for the first chapter.
Nah, nah, it won’t be low quality… it’ll be high quality later…

Removed a bit, fixed N’ add more. I removed a certain bit because I had new and different plans,
Which are coming soon! That soon isn’t a lie! Like when I mean soon I mean soon… like imagine how soon… maybe not in an hour… but soon!
Man. Nobody better think this is gonna be a low-quality remake…

Yeah. I forgot to tell you! We’re back to work. I dunno if people really want a discord server for this but I’ll open up one anyways, you can expect to see that this or next month.

Yeah. It’s a little, a LITTLE bit unfinished, but we’ve finished it up so,
I’d say it’s ready. Welcome to the Space Knights: Relaunched Server.

Oh no. Grammar mistakes in the last update. Oh no…
But anyways, this will rarely be updated now, so I suggest you join our server.
The link is above.

Hello, yes. The game’s alive! Can you believe it? Yea… meanwhile, gee, this sucks.
Like not you, of course not you. I never directed to you, the dear reader. If there will be any reader… but I’ll be remaking this and posting a new version.
See ya.


Looks interesting!

I’ll try to check it out when it’s finished, I did enjoy the original tbh.


didn’t even expect a reply that fast
I’d best not underestimate how fast people can see stuff

Looks interesting. good job since i dont know how the old one looked like. :relieved:

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I used to play this game a TON when I was younger, it actually inspired me to make games of my own.

I’ll be waiting for it’s re-release!


The new models look awesome! Looking forward to play this since it looked more “jam packed” than the first one.

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It’s planned to be a very long game, with difficulty.

Hence the reason why I’m giving the player a lot of freedom for what they want to do.
(EX: Building traps and such, skills for weapons and magic!)

I’d love to spam you the entire games idea!
but yeah spoilers not very cool

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Now I’m more eager to play it when it releases! And It’s okay, I’d rather explore the new additions that weren’t part of the announcement, it’ll make the experience enjoyable.

Considering the effort you and your team have done to make this, I do hope this game gets more recognition than it deserves!

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is this game still being made?

yea, although this entire post im remaking since its poorly made